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Boy! whiskey-soda Commanding Sahib ke wasté lao. "You've my entire sympathy, Colonel," said Major Hepburn, the Second in Command. "It's my turn to ask the Resident to dinner next. I feel tempted to go on the sick-list to escape it." "I say, sir, I've got a good idea," said an Irish subaltern named Daly, who was seated at the bridge-table.

"It is the coolest place, and they are sitting there." "Why, Babie, what a sprite you look," said Johnny. "You look as if you were just off the sick-list too!" "I'm all right," said Babie, shaking her hair at him, and bounding on before with the tidings of their coming, while her uncle observed in a low voice "Poor little thing!

But, as this was only to be done by the judgment of the Court, all that could be said was that his pay and allowances should be continued in the same manner as if he had been upon the sick-list. The circumstances of Dall's case were briefly these: He had gone to see some of his friends in the neighbourhood of Dundee, in winter, while the works were suspended, having got leave of absence from Mr.

The exigencies of the war in the Mediterranean forbade the departure, even of a sixty-four with a disabled crew. A full month later her sick-list was still seventy-seven, out of a total of less than four hundred. "Though certainly unfit for a long cruise," Nelson said, "we are here making a show," a military requirement not to be neglected or despised.

But, as this was only to be done by the judgment of the Court, all that could be said was that his pay and allowances should be continued in the same manner as if he had been upon the sick-list. The circumstances of Dall's case were briefly these: He had gone to see some of his friends in the neighbourhood of Dundee, in winter, while the works were suspended, having got leave of absence from Mr.

The boys were soon on hand, each awaiting his turn eagerly, yet trying to seem blasé. Some drank greedily, others tasted the sour wine in little sips like old experts; but all took care to turn their backs to us while drinking, as if from bashfulness. Then they went to work, giggling and happy. Meanwhile, those on the sick-list were coming up for the planter's inspection.

I cannot sleep while Lotta is so ill." "Humph! I suppose you mean to get yourself on the sick-list, and give us another invalid to nurse." "I will not trouble you to nurse me if I should be ill." "Ah!" growled the stockbroker, as he went to his own room, "you are a pack of silly women altogether; and your fine friend Hawkehurst is more womanish than the silliest of you. Goodnight."

I sent the pistol up to Mr. Percy's room by the hand of Mr. Beeves; but I never heard him practising any more. The next night the curate was to read us another story. The time arrived, and with it all our company, except Harry. Indeed it was a marvel that he had been able to attend so often as he had attended. I presume the severe weather had by this time added to his sick-list.

These parties and dinners she could not be induced to forego, although the late hours and fatigue consequent thereon would place her on the sick-list for several days afterwards.

"There now, my friends, was that natural, do you think? "The Mamelukes, knowing that we were all on the sick-list, want to stop our road; but it was no use trying that nonsense with Napoleon. So he spoke to his familiars, who had tougher skins than the rest: "'Go and clear the road for me.