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Boom, boom, boom! for three days incessantly the gigantic I may say, Cyclopean battle went on: boom, boom, boom, bong! The air was thick with cannon-balls: they hurtled, they jostled each other in the heavens, and fell whizzing, whirling, crashing, back into the very forts from which they came. Boom, boom, boom, bong brrwrrwrrr! "Tom," was the word whispered, "Steele" was the sibilated response.

I watched, too, with the fascination that things have for an observant boy, the play of his lips they were a little oblique, and there was something "slipshod," if one may strain a word so far, about his mouth, so that he lisped and sibilated ever and again and the coming and going of a curious expression, triumphant in quality it was, upon his face as he talked.

"Do you think it's worth while?" sibilated Miss Miranda in answer. "The Perkinses always do." "All right. You know where they be." Rebecca moved quietly towards the door, and the young Burches cataracted after her as if they could not bear a second's separation.

But the man was not to be choked off thus easily. "The ring," he repeated. "I asked you where you obtained it." "I know you did," said the boy, coolly. "Answer me!" sibilated the stranger, his brows darkening beneath the wide brim of the hat, and a gleam of fire showing in his eyes. "Tell me the truth, boy!" "I don't know why I should answer you," said Frank.

No papers were asked for either at the Customs' station, some hundred yards farther on; but the Carabineros looked upon me as a lunatic, and significantly sibilated. None were asked for at the approach to the village. Scarcely had I alighted when a fishwife ran out of a cabin and addressed me in Basque.

"The grey wolf is on the prowl to-night," said one of the chosen spirits, as he chalked Lady Hannah's cue with fastidious care. He winked across the table at Bingo, sunset-red with dinner, champagne, and stroke-play. "S'st!" sibilated the Captain warningly, winking in the direction of his wife.

"He's gone," was sibilated above and below, until it met the ears of even Corporal Van Spitter, who had it from a marine, who had it from another marine, who had it from a seaman, who but it was, however, soon traced up to Smallbones by the indefatigable corporal who considered it his duty to report the report to Mr Vanslyperken. Accordingly he descended to the cabin and knocked for admission.

Dozia sibilated, pointing to Judith who had actually turned over. "Don't wake her, this really is a secret. Girlie," dragging Jane down into a chair, "have you noticed that ugly, fat, common country girl, with the wire hair and gimlet eyes? Well, she came in, pushed her way in really, and squatted down plumb in my best Sheraton chair. The size of her!" You are frightened or nervous or something.

For the question that sibilated in Grafton street cafes and at the tram change at Nelson pillar was: "Will Dublin Castle permit?" Orders and gun enforcement. The empire did not deviate from the usual program of empires action without discussion.