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"Do you see it? do you see it?" cried one, with tremulous eagerness. "It is the very same!" "The same?" answered another, who had arrived in town only the night before. "Who do you mean? I see only a sea-captain in his shoregoing clothes, and a young lady in a foreign habit, with a bunch of beautiful flowers in her hat.

The smart agent reads his report glibly to the directors of a steamboat company and yet I have seen such smart agents superintending the departure of vessels whereof the appearance was enough to make a good judge quake for the safety of crew and cargo. What do I advise? Well, in the first place, I must remind shoregoing folk that a sound well-found vessel will live through anything.

'E was 'alf crying, and so excited that Bill was afraid the other chaps would notice it. We got to our berth in the East India Docks at last, and arter we were made fast we went below to 'ave a wash and change into our shoregoing togs. Jimmy watched us all the time, and then 'e comes up to Bill biting 'is nails, and says: "How's it to be done, Bill?"

'E was 'alf crying, and so excited that Bill was afraid the other chaps would notice it. We got to our berth in the East India Docks at last, and arter we were made fast we went below to 'ave a wash and change into our shoregoing togs. Jimmy watched us all the time, and then 'e comes up to Bill biting 'is nails, and says: "How's it to be done, Bill?"

I met him, however, frequently walking about Liverpool, dressed in shoregoing clothes, booted and spurred, and carrying a riding-whip in his hand. Notwithstanding, I should have known him at a glance to be a seaman. I found also that he very frequently called at Mr Crank's residence at times when he well knew that the old gentleman would be at his counting-house.

That evening Lady Elmore and her son had a long discussion. "But are you certain, Henry, that we are doing the best thing for the brave lad?" she said. "Oh, he'll polish he'll polish rapidly!" answered her son. "He has no notion of concealment, or that it is necessary for him to assume shoregoing manners, now that he has got over his bashfulness at finding himself among strangers.

In the course of time, however, we found the benefit of the change in every way; and the grumblers were silenced, because in spite of their wise shakings of the head, we filled the ship with oil as full as she could hold, much sooner than we had expected. Shoregoing people have but little notion of the ease with which the heart of a jack-tar is made to rejoice when he is out on a long voyage.

The voice fitted its owner, Rainey thought a basso voice tempered to the occasion, a deep-sea voice that could bellow above the roar of a gale if needed. For all his shoregoing clothes and shuffle, the man was certainly a sailor, or had been. All the skin uncovered by cloth or hair was weathered to leather, the great hands curled in as if they clutched an invisible rope.

The action and the tone confirmed my many-times tested theory that the bulk of English shoregoing institutions are based on conformable strata of absolutely impervious inaccuracy. I reflected and became aware of a drumming on the back of the front seat that Pyecroft, bowed forward and relaxed, was tapping with his knuckles.

It was the beginning of a vastly ambitious scheme to capture the whole line of ridges through Flanders, of which this was the southern hook, and then to liberate the Belgian coast as far inland as Bruges by a combined sea-and-land attack with shoregoing tanks, directed by the Fourth Army.