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The clearness and brilliancy of the heavens, the serenity and soft tranquillity of the atmosphere, diffusing the most calm and delightful sensations. The moon shines out with a greater radiance in those heavens than in ours, and when she coquettishly turns her back upon this side of our mundane sphere, her place is well supplied by the superior brilliance of the stars.

Oh! he shines in beauty, and is a most excellent preacher. Now, what does Mary, after a little pause, but goes up into her chamber, and, with her pins and her clouts,20 decks up herself as fine as her fingers could make her. This done, away she goes, not with her sister Martha, but as much unobserved as she could, to the sermon, or rather to see the preacher.

Much of the time the sun shines brightly, and when it does, how glorious to be the herder of a flock! But there come days also when the fog spreads itself like a close gray blanket, under which the ground, with its mounds and bushes and heather, creeps stealthily, disappearing a few yards away.

And the light of the achievement shines for all time. Fridtjof Nansen. Lysaker, May 3, 1912. The Opening of Roald Amundsen's Manuscript. To face page I, Vol. The History of the South Pole "Life is a ball In the hands of chance." Brisbane, Queensland, April 13, 1912.

Grace and delicacy characterize the pictures of the country that the men bring back to the smoky city from their travels. Occultly through a riven cloud The ancient river shines again, Still wandering like a silver road Among the cities in the plain. On far horizons softly lean The hills against the coming night; And mantled with a russet green, The orchards gather into sight.

The Government will give me no pay; they'd give me another seven years if they could. But you see, there are no peelers here, no beaks, and no blooming courts, so I intend to make hay while the sun shines, which means tallow in these times. All these settlers gets as much work out of Government men as they can get for nothing, and if you says two words to 'em they'll have you flogged.

"If ever a dead face told of rest and peace, hers does; I have never seen such a smile on any other." "I should like to find her a grave where the sun shines and the dew falls," observed Lord Charlewood "where grass and flowers grow and birds sing in the trees overhead. She would not seem so far away from me then."

I never knew you. I did not dream you were like this." She would answer lightly, laughingly, perhaps almost brusquely; but intense feeling would glow in her face as a light shines through glass; and often, when she turned thus lightly away from him, there were passionate tears in her eyes. It very soon became her habit to drive with him wherever he went.

"Story-telling is a real strengthening spirit-bath." Froebel. Piccola lived in Italy, where the oranges grow, and where all the year the sun shines warm and bright. I suppose you think Piccola a very strange name for a little girl; but in her country it was not strange at all, and her mother thought it the sweetest name a little girl ever had.

"Just finished your 'Tales of the Sorcerers," he added. "Some of those yarns of yours seem almost real." Elwar Forell nodded. They should, he thought. Factual material, however disguised, often shines through its fictional background. And he had an inexhaustible source of material, drawn from many sources. He twisted his face into a gratified smile. "That's my objective," he said aloud.