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He had remained in the place of concealment assigned him, tortured with suspense, and racked by self-reproach, for more than an hour: until, his impatience getting the better of his judgment, he resolved to creep nigher the village, to ascertain, if possible, the state of affairs.

'How very happy, Gertrude, you must be! and then she went quickly from the room, drying her eyes. Happy indeed she was, and not least in the termination of that secrecy which was so full of self-reproach and sometimes of distrust.

Yet I got ahead of you and the sheriff, though I didn't know at the time what YOU were after," she added presently. He was overcome with wondering admiration of her courage, and of self-reproach at his own short-sightedness. This was the girl he had looked upon as a spoiled village beauty, satisfied with her small triumphs and provincial elevation, and vacant of all other purpose.

"Better," thought Don Silverio, with tormenting self-reproach, "better have left him to his plough, to his scythe, to his reaping-hook; better have left him in ignorance of the meaning of art and of study; better have left him a mere peasant to beget peasants like himself.

Against the dim purple of the distance, the October roses held up melancholy, rain-washed heads; and sudden gusts of wind sent little armies of dead, brown leaves racing over the stone pavement of the terrace. Lady Mary leant her forehead against the window, and gazed out upon the autumn landscape; and John Crewys watched her with feelings not altogether devoid of self-reproach.

For three years I courted her, steadfastly, but in a curiously capricious and inconsistent way, with all the changes of an all-daring and naught-fearing devotion, wildly-blazing happiness, sudden shyness and trembling shrinking, violent dismay, self-reproach, deep self-contempt all this being caused by the confusion and the strife in the intimate household of my soul.

Before she could frame her answer, he had sate down in the nearest chair, covering his eyes with his hand. 'She's very ill, said Molly. 'That you know; but I don't think she suffers much pain. She has wanted you sadly. He groaned aloud. 'My father forbade me to come. 'I know! said Molly, anxious to prevent his self-reproach. 'Your brother was away, too.

Greeley's letter of despair and self-reproach of July 29, 1861, and proceeded with the preparation of his programme of military operations from every base line of the armies of the Republic; with what skill and statesmanlike foresight he corrected Mr. Seward's letter to Mr.

Overcome with self-reproach and profound sorrow, I threw myself on the floor at his feet, and sobbed out my repentance. "With a, 'Daughter, go in peace; thy sins be forgiven thee, he was gone. I awoke and found that it was all a dream.

"As surely as there exists before us that grand mountain, so surely is there a heaven," said the deep-toned voice of Mr Vernon. "And, my friends, ere it be too late, seek the only path by which that glorious heaven can be gained, and eternal misery and self-reproach avoided."