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It had been already signified to Ferdinand, that his brother was to resign the imperial crown in his favor, and the symbols of sovereignty were accordingly transmitted to him by the hands of William of Orange. A deputation, moreover, of which that nobleman, Vice-Chancellor Seld, and Dr.

It had been already signified to Ferdinand, that his brother was to resign the imperial crown in his favor, and the symbols of sovereignty were accordingly transmitted to him by the hands of William of Orange. A deputation, moreover, of which that nobleman, Vice-Chancellor Seld, and Dr.

"My name is Armand Seld. At one time I was a builder and mason, and lived with my son in this city. I have been blind for the last seven years." As he seemed very tired, Mrs. Vollmar urged him to rest. She prepared a repast for him and after he had partaken of it, she showed him to his room. On the following morning, Mr. Vollmar sent for the doctor.

He possessed a most charming residence at Orchamps, where he spent a great portion of his time. In one of his letters to Vice-Chancellor Seld, he described the beauties of this retreat with much delicacy and vigor "I am really not as badly off here," said he, "as I should be in the Indies.

Even as he that was found riding upon an hobby-horse, playing with his children besought him who thus surprized him not to speake of it untill he were a father himselfe, supposing the tender fondnesse and fatherly passion which then would posesse his minde should make him an impartiall judge of such an action; so would I wish to speake to such as had tried what I speake of: but knowing how far such an amitie is from the common use, and how seld scene and rarely found, I looke not to finde a competent judge.

Vollmar and his wife escorted the doctor to the door. The children kept shouting: "He sees! he sees!" and tumult and joy ran riot. At last the bandages were removed for good, but the doctor warned the patient not to strain his eyes nor look into the sunshine for another week. Armand Seld was now able to go about the house.

"The gentleman laid his finger on my lips, and said: 'Remember your vow. "Soon after the enemy appeared. Your grandfather fled and so did I. Never again did I return to this city, nor did I think of the valuables secreted in these walls. The sight of this picture, however, recalls to my mind my vow." With a sigh of relief, Armand Seld continued: "My dear Mr.

There goes 'the seld shown flamen, puffing his way to win a vulgar station, here is a 'veiled dame' who lets us see that 'war of white and damask in her nicely gawded cheeks, a moment; look at that 'kitchen malkin, peering over the wall there with 'her richest lockram' 'pinned on her reechy neck, eyeing the hero as he passes; and look at this poor baby here, this Elizabethan baby, saved, conserved alive, crying himself 'into a rapture' while his 'prattling nurse' has ears and eyes for the hero only, as 'she chats him. Look at them all, for every creature you see here, from 'the seld shown flamen' to the 'kitchen malkin, belongs soul and body to 'our gracious Empress, and Essex and Raleigh are still winning their garlands of the war, that is when the scene is taken, but not when it was put in its place and framed in this composition; for their game was up ere then.

It had been already signified to Ferdinand, that his brother was to resign the imperial crown in his favor, and the symbols of sovereignty were accordingly transmitted to him by the hands of William of Orange. A deputation, moreover, of which that nobleman, Vice-Chancellor Seld, and Dr.

He possessed a most charming residence at Orchamps, where he spent a great portion of his time. In one of his letters to Vice-Chancellor Seld, he described the beauties of this retreat with much delicacy and vigor "I am really not as badly off here," said he, "as I should be in the Indies.