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The Regent, on the other hand, delivered to Count Egmont the one of Philip's two letters in which that gentleman's visit was declined, the Duchess believing that, in the present position of affairs, she should derive more assistance from him than from the rest of the seigniors.

All the evidence before us goes to show that only a few officials and seigniors ever availed themselves of this permission to leave the country. At this time there was not a single French settlement beyond Vaudreuil until the traveller reached the banks of the Detroit between Lakes Erie and Huron.

As part and parcel of this plan, it was also arranged at secret meetings at the house of Espinosa, before the departure of the Duke, that all the seigniors against whom the Duchess Margaret had made so many complaints, especially the Prince of Orange, with the Counts Egmont, Horn, and Hoogstraaten, should be immediately arrested and brought to chastisement.

Ransoms for captured native princes or seigniors pertain to the king, but, on account of the labors and expenses of the undertaking, one-sixth shall be given to the king and the remainder shall be distributed among the conquerors, first subtracting the king's fifth; but of the booty falling into the hands of the conquerors after the death of a prince or chief killed in battle, or obtained by justice or otherwise, one-half shall be the king's, and shall be delivered to his officials, first withdrawing his fifth.

The seigniors having thus washed their hands of the matter, the doctors came to a conclusion with great alacrity.

The "insane and outrageous expenses" in which the nuptials had involved her, the rebukes of her husband, the sneers of the seigniors, the undutiful epigrams of her son, the ridicule of the people, affected her spirits to such a degree, harassed as she was with grave matters of state, that she kept her rooms for days together, weeping, hour after hour, in the most piteous manner.

Return of the three seigniors to the state council Policy of Orange Corrupt character of the government Efforts of the Prince in favor of reform Influence of Armenteros Painful situation of Viglius His anxiety to retire Secret charges against him transmitted by the Duchess to Philip Ominous signs of the times Attention of Philip to the details of persecution Execution of Fabricius, and tumult at Antwerp Horrible cruelty towards the Protestants Remonstrance of the Magistracy of Bruges and of the four Flemish estates against Titelmann Obduracy of Philip Council of Trent Quarrel for precedence between the French and Spanish envoys Order for the publication of the Trent decrees in the Netherlands Opposition to the measure Reluctance of the Duchess Egmont accepts a mission to Spain Violent debate in the council concerning his instructions Remarkable speech of Orange Apoplexy of Viglius Temporary appointment of Hopper Departure of Egmont Disgraceful scene at Cambray Character of the Archbishop Egmont in Spain Flattery and bribery Council of Doctors Vehement declarations of Philip His instructions to Egmont at his departure Proceedings of Orange in regard to his principality Egmont's report to the state council concerning his mission His vainglory Renewed orders from Philip to continue the persecution Indignation of Egmont Habitual dissimulation of the King Reproof of Egmont by Orange Assembly of doctors in Brussels Result of their deliberations transmitted to Philip Universal excitement in the Netherlands New punishment for heretics Interview at Bayonne between Catharine de Medici and her daughter, the Queen of Spain Mistaken views upon this subject Diplomacy of Alva Artful conduct of Catharine Stringent letters from Philip to the Duchess with regard to the inquisition Consternation of Margaret and of Viglius New proclamation of the Edicts, the Inquisition, and the Council of Trent Fury of the people Resistance of the leading seigniors and of the Brabant Council Brabant declared free of the inquisition Prince Alexander of Parma betrothed to Donna Maria of Portugal Her portrait Expensive preparations for the nuptials Assembly of the Golden Fleece Oration of Viglius Wedding of Prince Alexander.

The reader has already seen that the letter was indeed "from the Cardinal's smithy," Granvelle having instructed his master how to reply to the seigniors before the communication had been despatched. The Duchess wrote immediately to inform her brother that Egmont had expressed himself willing enough to go to Spain, but had added that he must first consult Orange and Horn.

In the union of the proletariat and the sovereign power. What was the immediate result of the struggle of the communes and the king against the seigniors? The monarchical unity of Louis XIV. What will be the result of the struggle of the proletariat and the sovereign power combined against the bourgeoisie? The absolute unity of the nation and the government.

No man cried, God bless him." He wrote to the King that he should push forward the whole matter of the bishoprics as fast as possible, adding the ridiculous assertion that the opposition came entirely from the nobility, and that "if the seigniors did not talk so much, not a man of the people would open his mouth on the subject."