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But after he had already stretched out his hand to turn the knob, he paused and slowly resumed his place in the middle of the room. "Who is in the antechamber, besides?" he asked. "Your highness, there are also without the gentlemen whom you summoned to an audience, the Chamberlain von Schulenburg, Herr von Kroytz, Herr von Kospoth, and the jeweler Dusnack." "Those gentlemen may wait.

They took care to inform Mademoiselle Schulenburg of the fond reception all the Germans met with in England, and gave her a view of the immense fortune that waited her here. This was enough to cure her fears, and she arrived accompanied by a young niece who had already made some noise at Hanover.

She was told that Mademoiselle Schulenburg scrupled this terrible journey, and took the opportunity of offering her service to his Majesty, who willingly accepted it, though he did not facilitate it to her by the payment of debts, which made it very difficult for her to leave Hanover without permission of her creditors.

"But, I confess, though I employed all my rhetoric, his mind did not seem to alter; and it will be a miracle if he change on this head." Alas, General! Can't be helped, I fear! "He said he was not afraid of anything so much as of living constantly beside the King. SCHULENBURG: Arm yourself with patience, Monseigneur, if that happen.

I refer you entirely to the Letter, which Schulenburg will have delivered," little Schulenburg called here, in passing your way; all hands busy.

The King's mother, the Electress Sophia, had commented on her to Mrs. Howard: "Look at that mawkin, and think of her being my son's passion." If a family portrait, now in the possession of Count Werner Schulenburg, may be trusted, she was what is called "a fine figure of a woman"; she had blue eyes and fair hair. She was so tall that she was nicknamed in England "the May-pole."

The old Feldmarschall Schulenburg whom we used to hear of once, whose Nephew, a pipeclayed little gentleman, was well known to Friedrich and us. For the rest, I do not think he feels this out-manoeuvring of the Russians very hard work.

We shall know at any rate that to Grumkow, in the Autumn 1731, these words were luculent and significant: consciously they tell us something of young Friedrich; unconsciously a good deal of Lieutenant-General Schulenburg, who with his strict theologies, his military stiffnesses, his reticent, pipe-clayed, rigorous and yet human ways, is worth looking at, as an antique species extinct in our time.

But the young fellow holds out; you cannot play handy-dandy with a king's crown, your Majesty! say his new Ministers. Is and will continue King. "Not a bad stroke of him," thinks Schulenburg, "especially if his Father meant to play him the same trick," that is, clap him in prison. Not a bad stroke; which perhaps there is another that could imitate, "if HIS Papa gave him the opportunity!

She must have felt vexed, for she saw that she had made a mistake in her estimate of my character; she became more timid, she would not laugh any more, and we joined her mother and the major who was shewing her, in a sentry-box, the body of Marshal de Schulenburg which had been deposited there until the mausoleum erected for him was completed. As for myself, I felt deeply ashamed.