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"Tell him we're waiting in here," said Tinker, leading the way into the cream-coloured salon. "Yisso." Sato disappeared. The pretty room was exquisitely cheerful, a coal fire burning rosily in the neat little grate, but for its effect upon Canby it might have been a dentist's anteroom. He was unable to sit, and began to pace up and down, shampooing himself with both hands.

Potter relieved his anxiety, however, after a thoughtful sigh, by saying abruptly: "Well, well, we can't go into a big production like that, this late in the year. We'll have to see what can be done with 'Roderick Hanscom." He looked at the door, where the Japanese was performing a shrinking curtsey. "What is it, Sato?" "Miss Pata." "Who?" "Miss Pata."

"Most people would have held it the other way," commented Sato. Craig said nothing, but was examining an arrow, almost twenty inches long and thick, made of cane, with a point of metal very sharp but badly fastened. He fingered the deep blood groove in the scooplike head of the arrow and looked at it carefully.

"Sato worked for him, after Hade's regular butler fell ill. He " "H'm!" mused Brice. "A hanger-on of Hade's, eh? That may explain it. Sato's cowardice may have been a bit of rather clever acting. He saw no use in risking his neck for you people when his master wasn't here. It was no part of his spy work to " "Spy work?" echoed Standish, in real astonishment. "What?"

If the Caesars weren't going to attack in force, I saw no need in filling the house with Secret Service agents. But if they should attack, I knew I could slip out, as far as that tree, without their catching me. When Hade's tea-party arrived, instead, I gave the signal. It was Sato who got my message across to the key, this morning, too.

The quicker such a criminal is lodged safely in jail, the better for humanity." Sato was on his feet, advancing cautiously toward Craig. I knew the dangers, now, of anno-noki, as well as the wonders of jujutsu, and, with a leap, I bounded past Bernardo and between Sato and Kennedy. How it happened, I don't know, but, an instant later, I was sprawling.

Besides, not counting the Chink, who don't count we outnumbers him two to one. "'We don't go, I says, 'until we gets a bite. "'Oh! I'll see that you get a bite, he says. 'Sato, he says, calling off-stage, 'kindly unchain Ophelia and Ralph Waldo. Ophelia, he says, turning to us, 'is a lady Great Dane, standing four feet high at the shoulder and very morose in disposition.

"I'll take that," he said, "only I wish it were one with the regular reddish-brown lump in it." "Oh, but, honorable sir," apologized Sato, "the Japanese law prohibits that, now. There are few of those, and they are very valuable." "I suppose so," agreed Craig. "This will do, though. You have a wonderful shop here, Sato. Some time, when I feel richer, I mean to come in again.

Then Potter's expression changed; he looked queer. He clapped his hands loudly; Sato appeared. "Sato, take that stuff out." He pointed to the untouched whiskey. "Order supper at ten o'clock for five people. Champagne. Orchids. Get me a taxicab in half an hour." "Yisso!" Tinker rose, astounded. "Taxicab? Where you " "To Brooklyn!" shouted Potter with shining eyes.

Satsuma vases, splendid and rare examples of the potter's art, crowded gorgeously embroidered screens depicting all sorts of brilliant scenes, among others the sacred Fujiyama rising in the stately distance. Sato himself greeted us with a ready smile and bow.