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In 1800, Napoleon had to choose between a line of operations on the right, leading to the sea-shore toward Nice and Savona, that of the center, leading by Mont-Cenis toward Turin, and that of the left, leading to the line of communications of Mélas, by way of Saint-Bernard or the Simplon.

The case was eagerly debated between the two officers while they had breakfast. By the time dessert was served they were both agreed upon a plan. That same evening, Morgan received the following letter: Just as Adler told us, next Friday at five o'clock the mail-coach will leave Paris with fifty thousand francs for the fathers of Saint-Bernard.

Supper, served with new plate, Sevres porcelain, and white damask, was redolent of opulence. The dishes were from Chevet, the wines from a celebrated merchant on the Quai Saint-Bernard, a personal friend of Matifat's.

In an hour the cart was taken off its wheels and hoisted, piece by piece, to the top of the embankment at the foot of the tower itself, a work that was somewhat like that of the soldiers who carried the artillery over the pass of the Grand Saint-Bernard.

This time a truly titanic work was undertaken. In the first place, was the mountain unoccupied? The mountain without the Austrians was in itself difficult enough to conquer! Lannes was despatched like a forlorn hope with a whole division. He crossed the peak of the Saint-Bernard without baggage or artillery, and took possession of Chatillon.

That priceless capture, the Prince of Orange, escaped him, however, and he was inconsolable thereat, adding, as he narrated the incident, "Were it not that I feared to bring dishonour upon my name, and sully the history of my reign and my life, I would have massacred those young Saint-Bernard monks." "What a vile breed they all are!" I cried, losing all patience.

If there be five or six roads on the menaced front, they should all, of course, be threatened; but the army should cross the chain in not more than two masses, and the routes which these follow should not be divergent; for if they were, the enemy might be able to defeat them separately. Napoleon's passage of the Saint-Bernard was wisely planned.

«Route au Mont-Saint Bernard. «On passe par Martigny pour aller au Mont du grand Saint-Bernard; cette ville est un dépôt pour les marchandises qui vont et viennent d'Italie. Le château

For instance, the march of Napoleon by the Saint-Bernard to fall upon the communications of Mélas, those made in 1805 by Donauwerth to cut off Mack, and in 1806 by Gera to turn the Prussians, the march of Suwaroff from Turin to the Trebbia to meet Macdonald, that of the Russian army on Taroutin, then upon Krasnoi, were decisive operations, not because of their relation to Logistics, but on account of their strategic relations.

«(Page 35.) Malgré la chaleur qu'il avoit fait le jour de l'arrivée au Saint-Bernard, la nuit fut froide; le lendemain (31 Juillet) le haut de la montagne étoit enveloppé de nuages épais, mais tranquilles, il n'y avoit point d'agitation dans l'air on assuroit qu'il faisoit beau au-dessous de ce sommet; nous fûmes visiter le revers meridional de la montagne qui conduit au val d'Aost; après une demie heure de marche, nous fumes hors de cet atmosphère sombre et humide, le soleil étoit chaud, le ciel pur et serein: on voyoit dans le lointain les sommets des plus hautes montagnes enveloppés dans les nuages comme le Saint-Bernard: les sommets les plus