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Ruyler knew the man by sight. Before the fire he had owned some of the most disreputable houses in the district the car would pass on its way to the terminus. The buildings were uninsured, and he had made his living since as a detective. Even his political breed had gone out of power in the new San Francisco, but he was well equipped for a certain type of detective work.

Her extraordinary hair hung down in two long braids, their blue blackness undulating among the soft folds of her thin pink negligée. For the first time Ruyler realized that pink was Hélène's favorite color; she seldom wore anything else except white or black, and then always relieved with pink. And why not, with that deep pink blush in her white cheeks, and the velvet blackness of her eyes?

I wormed it out of Dad soon after you arrived, and at first I thought it was a good joke on Society, to say nothing of Price Ruyler, with his air of God having created heaven first, maybe, but New York just after. Then I got fond of you and I wouldn't have told for the world. But I would have put you on your guard if I'd known." "Oh, it doesn't matter.

I'll find out where Ruyler got it, and try " "Do you suppose I'd come out with a duplicate? You should have thought of it years ago. You always promised to take me to India." "It should be on you!" He gazed at her adoringly. Her hair was dressed in a high and stately fashion to-night.

Polly Roberts had come into the most notorious of them at eleven, chaperoning a party, which included Aileen Lawton, a girl as restless and avid of excitement as herself. Rex Roberts and several other young men had been in attendance, and Polly had begged Ruyler to stay on and let his wife see something of "real life."

"Oh, I can't," she said. "I can't." "Well, you'll just jolly well have to. You've got it, haven't you?" "Oh, yes, I've got it!" "Well, he'll never suspect you." "I shall tell him." "Tell him? You little fool. And give us all away?" "I'd mention no other names." "As if he wouldn't probe until he found out. Don't you know Price Ruyler yet?

I like danger, and excitement, and uncertainty, and mystery, and intrigue, and lying, and wriggling out of tight places. I'd have gone mad in this hole long ago, if I hadn't, for I don't care for sport. But you were intended to develop into what is called a 'fine woman, surrounded by the right sort of man meanwhile. And Price Ruyler is the right sort. I'll say that much for him.

She slipped her hand into his for a second, then left the room, smiling over her shoulder, as the locally celebrated "Jake" Spaulding entered. Both Ruyler and his general manager had thought it best to have their cashier watched.

He and Spaulding had walked from the train, but they were not detained as long as a gay party of young people from Atherton, who teased the police by refusing to present their cards or lift their masks. Ruyler knew them all, but they finally sped past him without even a glance of contempt for mere foot passengers, even though they looked like a couple of dodging conspirators.

Otherwise she never would have risked the return to San Francisco, even with her changed appearance. It was time to dismiss speculation and proceed to action. He rang up detective headquarters and asked Jake Spaulding to come to him at once. Spaulding began: "But the matter ain't ripe yet, boss. Nothin' doin' last night " But Ruyler cut him short. "Please come immediately no, not here.