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"Oh, but it is though," said Roly; "and you don't know what Roly's found." I'm in a hurry, my boy, I've got an appointment." "Roly's got something better than that," observed the child. Mr. Bultitude, in spite of his terror, was too much afraid of hurting him by brushing roughly past to attempt such a thing, so he tried diplomacy. "Well, what has Roly found a cracker?"

"A green bug; eh?" spoke Mr. Porter. "Maybe we'd better see what it is," he added, speaking to Daddy Blake. "I rather think we had. There are so many bugs, worms and other things trying to spoil our gardens, that we must not let any of them get away." "He's a awful big bug, almost as long as Roly's tail," called Sammie from where he stood near a tomato plant.

"Well, Roly's tail isn't very big," laughed Daddy Blake. "But a bug or worm of that size could eat a lot of plant leaves." "Don't touch it Daddy will kill it!" called Mr. Porter to his little boy. But Sammie had no idea of touching the queer bug he had seen, and at which the poodle dog was barking. "Oh, it's one of the big green tomato worms!" exclaimed Mr. Blake when he saw it.

Porter set was a spring trap without any sharp points to it, which he thought might catch a mole alive. Instead it caught Roly, who was digging away to find a buried bone, maybe." "Is he all right now?" asked Mab. "Yes, his tail was only pinched a little but Roly's tail is very tender I guess, for he howled very loudly." "I wish I could see a mole," said Hal. "So do I," echoed his sister.

Roly came running over to Hal, but when the little boy tried to get the leaves, grass and bits of bark off his pet he found out what was the matter. "Roly's all stuck up in fly paper!" cried Hal. "Look!" "In fly paper?" asked Mr. Blake. "Are you sure?" "Yes, he must have sat down in some fly paper, and it stuck to him all over, and then he rolled in the leaves and grass," answered Hal.

And he tried to snatch it, but Roly closed his fist over it and pouted, "It isn't yours," he said, "it's Roly's. Roly found it." Paul's fears rose again; would he be wrecked in port after all? His ear, unnaturally strained, caught the sound of the front door being opened, he heard the Doctor's deep voice booming faintly below, then the noise of persons ascending.