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Don't be too late." "Oh, I'll be on time. When we get through with Stubbles, I want to have a few words with Squire Hawkins. We mustn't let him off too easily." It had taken the people of Rixton a long time to oppose the overbearing tyranny of Simon Stubbles and his family. It really began that afternoon at the close of the so-called trial.

No sign of human life was here, and the sweet song of a vesper sparrow was the only sound which broke the stillness of the evening. So far, he had not found Rixton to be the terrible place it had been painted, and he was beginning to think that what he had heard was mere legend.

But it is a great work to which I am going, and some day you will be proud of me, and so will the people of Rixton. They scorn me now, and they surely have good reason for doing so." "But, Jean darling, you will tell us where you are going before you leave, will you not?" her father asked. "You will come home first?" "Yes, I shall go with you now.

When at last word came from Jake to be ready that night, the men were as one in their grim determination to take matters into their own hands. The wharf near the store was the stated place of meeting, and there, just after sundown, the men of Rixton gathered. They came in little groups without any noise or clamour.

How many other wandering sheep there were in the world, nay, in this very parish, he mused. They were straying, as sheep without a shepherd. Some one must bring them back, and who would that some one be? It was Sunday morning, and for the first time since coming to Rixton Douglas felt discontented. It was a most beautiful day, with not a ripple ruffling the surface of the river.

Rannage swung suddenly around on his swivel chair, "you must not get downhearted." "I am not," was the reply. "Well, perhaps you are not, but I do not like the idea of your going from me with nothing in view. Do you know the parish of Rixton?" "Yes, I have heard of it, though I know very little about it."

Rannage called only upon a few of the influential members of his flock, and left his curate to look after the "temporal and spiritual welfare" of all the rest. He tried to picture Dr. Rannage in such a parish as Rixton, living on a small salary, and trying to keep the Church life strong and healthy, at the same time combating the opposing influence of the Stubbles.

"Wasn't there something else? You said you were afraid, did you not?" "Now you are cornering me," Douglas laughed. "Yes, I confess I was afraid of the questions you might ask about my strange behaviour in coming to Rixton in disguise. I felt that you were offended, and so great was my love, I was in no mood to have parts of the Catechism hurled at me.

"I wish to learn what is wrong with the parish of Rixton," was the reply. "I want to get down to bedrock, so to speak, and find out just what is the trouble." "But how will your going as a farm-hand help you?" "I shall have a better chance to see things in their true light.

Dad's the hawk in this case, and they're frightened to death of him. Come, girls, let's go for a spin." If Ben Stubbles had only known what was really taking place in Rixton he would not have spoken so contemptuously about the people of the parish. The intense feeling which pervaded the community that day was ominous.