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The senior shook his head incredulously; Iglesias shook his head noddingly. "Since you have massacred all the bears," said Iglesias, "I will go lay me down in their lair in the barn. If you find me cheek-by-jowl with Ursa Major when you come back, make a pun and he will go." It was stiller than stillness upon the lake. Ripogenus, it seemed, had never listened to such silence as this.

Leagues higher up than the mountain rested a presence of cirri, already white and luminous with full daylight, and from them drooped linking wreaths of orange mist, clinging to the rosy-violet granite of the peak. Up clomb and sailed Ripogenus and befogged the whole; then we condescended to breakfast. Singularly enough, mill-dams are always found below mill-ponds.

Katahdin, from the hill guarding the exit of the Penobscot from Ripogenus, is eminent and emphatic, a signal and solitary pyramid, grander than any below the realms of the unchangeable, more distinctly mountainous than any mountain of those that stop short of the venerable honors of eternal snow. We trod the trail, we others, easier than Cancut.

Calm never could have been so beyond the notion of calm. Stars in the empyrean and stars in Ripogenus winked at each other across ninety-nine billions of leagues as uninterruptedly as boys at a boarding-school table. I knelt amidships in the birch with gun and rifle on either side. The pilot gave one stroke of his paddle, and we floated out upon what seemed the lake.

Fog condensed into water, and water submitting to its destiny went cascading down through a wild defile where no birch could follow. The Ripogenus carry is three miles long, a faint path through thickets. "First half," said Cancut, "'s plain enough; but after that 't would take a philosopher with his spectacles on to find it." This was discouraging.

Ripogenus, the water-body, had had aspirations, and a boon of brief transfiguration into a cloud-body had been granted it by Nature, who grants to every terrestrial essence prophetic experiences of what it one day would be. In short, and to repeat, Ripogenus had transmuted itself into vapor, and filled the valley full to our feet.

Tumble-down was the never-painted house; ditto its three barns. But, besides a camp, there were two things to be had here, one certain, one possible, probable even. The view, that was an inevitable certainty; Iglesias would bag that as his share of the plunder of Ripogenus. For my bagging, bears, perchance, awaited. The trappers had seen a bear near the barns.

The subject hardly yet admits of an exact and scientific answer. We can merely here suggest the probability of a vast antiquity to human beings, and of the existence of the FOSSIL or PRE-ADAMITIC MAN. Ripogenus is a tarn, a lovely oval tarn, within a rim of forest and hill; and there behold, O gioja! at its eastern end, stooping forward and filling the sphere, was Katahdin, large and alone.

There I entered skulkingly, as a gameless hunter may, and hid my untrophied head beneath a mound of ancient hay, not without the mustiness of its age. No one clawed us, no one chawed us, that night. A Ripogenus chill awaked the whole party with early dawn.

Analogously in the Maine rivers, below the lakes, rapids are. Rapids too often compel carries. While we breakfasted without steak of bear or cutlet of moose, Ripogenus gradually retracted itself, and became conscious again of what poetry there is in a lake's pause and a rapid's flow.