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Sometimes the countenance of Theresa Sydney flitted over his musing vision; sometimes the merry voice of Lady Everingham haunted his ear. But to be their companion in ride or ramble; to avoid any arrangement which for many hours should deprive him of their presence; was every day with Coningsby a principal object.

And you know he's some nervy sport, Mr. Robert all except when it's a matter of skirts. Then he's more or less of a skittish party, believe me! But at four-thirty we went. It wa'n't any joy ride we had, either. All the way up Mr. Robert sits there fillin' the limousine with gloom thick enough to slice.

And now, ride e'en your ways; for these are the last words ye'll ever hear Meg Merrilies speak, and this is the last reise that I'll ever cut in the bonnie woods of Ellangowan."

It would be very pleasant and agreeable to come in contact occasionally with this extremely pretty girl; it would ameliorate the coarse, hard routine of his work just as the finding of a cluster of mountain heart's-ease had often before dispelled the gloom of a hard day's ride. His thought of her was purely impersonal as yet.

Man's car no, they had had enough of that, but they were very much excited over it, and thought if they could just sit up in the seat and ride, like Mr. Dog, and see things go by, and not be down under it, in the dark and danger, they would enjoy it more than anything. Mr. 'Possum thought about it, and talked about it, more than anybody, and after breakfast, while Mr. 'Coon and Mr.

I want to know how to ride and shoot. Do you suppose I could learn?" "Sure!" they chorused, eagerly, their embarrassment forgotten. "Sure, you could learn fine! Sure, we'll learn you!" And then the bell rang and they all went in.

I love a wild ride with a good companion." As she spoke, a carriage came into sight round the corner next below them in the order of the road. It came heavily creaking, and a little ahead of it a traveller was soberly walking, note-book in hand. "It is Sir John," cried Otto, and he hailed him.

Presently their captains will come and pay what is asked, grumbling, and there will be no loss to our folk. As for this talk of taking the horses well, a sailor always wants a ride when he first comes ashore, if it is only on an ass. Then if there is not enough meat ready to hand in the town, no doubt they would say they would find it for themselves. Well, come on, and we will see."

The latter 'Lena knew nothing about, but she replied that "she believed he was from Rockford, a village near Rochester, New York." "Why, Nancy Scovandyke's sister lives there. I wouldn't wonder if he knew her." "Very likely," returned Lena, catching her bonnet and hurrying off to ride with Captain Atherton and Anna.

The speaker was sitting between Charlie and Peters, and was talking in a tone of voice which would not be overheard by the others. "Thank you," Charlie said. "I, for one, will certainly take your advice. I suppose one can buy ponies here. I should think a good ride every morning early, before work, would do one good." "Yes, it is not a bad thing," Johnson said.