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The Town Clerk was not the Borough Surveyor and had nothing to do with the revaluation. Nevertheless, Mrs Codleyn thought that because she patronised the Town Clerk her rates ought to be reduced! Such is human nature in the provinces! So different from human nature in London, where nobody ever dreams of offering even a match to a municipal official, lest the act might be construed into an insult.

The shadow of the Great War will lighten to the coming generation soon after peace is declared. Then will come the time for the taking of stock and the revaluation of human endeavor. Man must ask himself more seriously than ever before what things are worth while, and thereupon bend his political and economic instrumentalities to their furtherance.

It was not an ordinary conversation they were dealing with realities, and he had a sense that vital issues were at stake. He had, in that moment, to make a revaluation of his sentiments for the financier to weigh the effect of her indictment. "Yes," he answered slowly, "I am fond of him. He has shown me a side of himself, perhaps, that other men have not seen, and he is very lonely."

It was not an ordinary conversation they were dealing with realities, and he had a sense that vital issues were at stake. He had, in that moment, to make a revaluation of his sentiments for the financier to weigh the effect of her indictment. "Yes," he answered slowly, "I am fond of him. He has shown me a side of himself, perhaps, that other men have not seen, and he is very lonely."

There was a telegraphic message, but he put it aside and opened a bulky envelope whose stamp he recognized. Then the missive he took out rustled a little in his hand as he read: "I'm afraid negotiations are not progressing well. Mortimer, as you will see by enclosed copies of correspondence, demands a revaluation which would not be advisable before he will underwrite any of the capital."

Not so many years ago the teaching profession was known as "the refuge of the destitute," but we are changing all that with the revaluation of values which is being forced upon us by the logic of events. In course of time the old type of teacher must become as extinct as the dodo.

Such exercises are interesting and salutary to the philosophic mind, but for minds trained in the modern formulas of "self-interest" and "liberty" they are only possible after a complete reconstruction of the foundations of knowledge, a "revaluation of all values." The decisive part played by the magic love-potion has given rise to much comment.

"Just the same, there is another principle involved here which you do not seem to see or do not care to consider the right of the people under the state constitution to a consideration, a revaluation, of their contracts at the time and in the manner agreed upon under the original franchise.

Invariably she talked as though she would willingly present them to anybody who cared to accept "and glad to be rid of 'em!" Most owners of property talk thus. She particularly hated paying the rates on them. Now there had recently occurred, under the direction of the Borough Surveyor, a revaluation of the whole town.

The revaluation was contested in the courts by the tenants. The Supreme Court decided in favor of the university; but the farmers induced the legislature in 1843 to pass a law which fixed the income of the university from these lands at a sum so low as to cause the doors of the institution to be closed for five years. Dr.