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His favourite relaxation was to sup among a group of scholarly visitors, enjoying their fun and retorting with fun of his own. Colet, who had now become Dean of St. Paul's and whose sermons were stirring all London, might often be seen with Grocyn and Linacre at the Primate's board.

Senator Green, in his reply, justly exposed the whole animus and thinly concealed import of these rough criticisms, by retorting that, to call that a military despotism amounts to just this: we are going out of the Union, right or wrong, and we will misrepresent every proposition made to save the Union.

Instead of retorting angrily, and involving himself in an undignified dispute, he replied to the intemperate language of the Count by calmly inquiring if he were to understand that M. de Sully had addressed the obnoxious remark which was the subject of complaint to the Prince himself, or if it had merely been reported to him by a third person.

But when they came to the matter of their conference or treaty, they could agree on no fair or equitable terms of any kind, but even came to harsh words against each other, Pompey upbraiding Lucullus with avarice, and Lucullus retorting ambition upon Pompey, so that their friends could hardly part them.

As I've already said, I haven't a good temper, and when he told me that I couldn't help retorting "That's quite on a par with most G.S. methods." "I'm not speaking for the G.S., young man," roared Mr. Camp. "I speak as a director of the Kansas & Arizona. What is more, I will have those letters inside of twenty-four hours."

So she held her head rather higher than usual, with her firm little chin projecting wilfully, and waited for the next verse but one before retorting, "Little Master Bultitude, I know it is." "Could you can you manage to reach it?" whispered Paul entreatingly. "Yes," said Dulcie, "I could." "Then will you when they sit down?" "No," said Dulcie firmly, "I shan't."

He laughed at the smallest pleasantry, and showed his great white English teeth; he took a joke without retorting by an impertinence; he had a very limited curiosity about all that was going on; he had small store of information; he lived chiefly in his horses, it seemed to me.

The Admiral's face flamed scarlet. He half raised his hand to strike. And then, restrained, perhaps, by the very words that had cloaked the retorting insult, he turned on his heel abruptly and went out without answering. As the door slammed after the departing Admiral, Lord Julian turned to Arabella, and actually smiled.

"You wouldn't understand if I told you," Matthew was retorting, when Maude put her hand on his lips. "I think that's enough for to-night," she said, as she closed the book. "There are lessons to do and father wants to read his newspaper in quiet." This brought a protest from Biddy. "Just a little more, mother! Can't we go into the schoolroom? We shan't disturb father there."

That kept him silent for quite a long while. "I suppose you despise me," he finally remarked. "It's scarcely so active an emotion," I tried to punish him by retorting. "But I at least insist on explaining what took me to the Coast," he contended. "That is scarcely necessary," I told him. "Then you know?" he asked. "I imagine the whole country-side does," I observed.