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"No doubt," said Sterry, "there has been injustice on both sides, and stockmen as well as rustlers have done things for which there is no justification; I hope the trouble will soon end." "It will end as soon as we get justice." "Yes," Sterry could not help retorting, "for if justice were done to you rustlers none would be left.

Madeleine was on the point of retorting, but at this moment, the interval came to an end, and the electric bells rang shrilly. The people who were nearest the doors went out at once, upstairs and down. Among the first were Louise and Schilsky, the latter's head as usual visible above every one else's. "I will go, too," said Ephie hurriedly. "No, don't bother to come with me.

"Now, my myrmillones," cried La Fosse in bloodthirsty jubilation, "to work before the host returns." "Po' Cap de Dieu!" growled Castelroux, "is this a time for jests, master joker?" "Jests?" I heard him retorting, as he assisted me to doff my doublet. "Do I jest? Diable! you Gascons are a slow-witted folk!

The retorting of oil from oil shale has been a commercial industry for many years in Scotland and France; in fact, oil was obtained from oil shale here in the United States before the first oil well was drilled.

It was a considerable tax on Reginald's temper to be addressed in language like this, even by a lady, and he could not help retorting rather hotly, "I'm glad you are only a woman, Mrs Wrigley, for I wouldn't stand being called a thief by a man, I assure you!" "Oh, don't let that make any difference!" said she, fairly in a rage, and advancing up to him. "Knock me down and welcome!

This is not merely cruel; it is untrue. We refrain from retorting on the growth of his bald spot. As a matter of fact, we find the evening subway jam very restful. Being neatly rounded in contour, with just a gentle bulge around the equatorial transit, we have devised a very satisfactory system. We make for the most crowded car we can find, and having buffeted our way in, we are perfectly serene.

Perhaps you don't know that Franklin, in very severe terms, published his opinion that those who were slandered by such fellows as this colonel, having no sufficient remedy in the administration of this country's laws or in the decent and right-minded feeling of its people, were justified in retorting on such public nuisances by means of a stout cudgel?

Is he to be an engineer or a clerk all his life? He might have had a share in his uncle's business by this time if he had had any common-sense;" Peter retorting often with but a broad smile and that little gulp of satisfaction something between a chuckle and a sigh which always escaped him when some one of his proteges were living up to his pet theories.

This set, while retorting to the chaff of the other party, seemed to be very impatiently expecting some singularly desired person to put in her appearance.

Our Orator will make use of both; of the latter in his narratives, to make them lively and entertaining; and of the other, either in giving or retorting a stroke of ridicule, of which there are several kinds; but at present it is not our business to specify them.