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The ships sent their crews ashore to fill fresh water or to reprovision, and then sailed home for Europe, to return the next year with new goods. On the St Domingo or Hispaniola coasts there are countless creeks and inlets, making good harbours, where these smuggling ships might anchor or careen.

"By Jove, it is a storehouse," said Colonel Smith. "We must get more force and carry it all off. Gracious, but this is a lucky night. We can reprovision the whole fleet from this room." "I thought it singular," I said, "that with the exception of the girl whom we have rescued no women were seen in the house.

To do this and to reprovision the ships would not be in violation of the treaty made with Portugal. In case the ships should depart before the king's answer is received, the viceroy will order them to act in accordance with the above-mentioned relation.

On this second trip to the mysterious house we had discovered another apartment containing a very large number of the metallic boxes, filled with compressed food. "By Jove, it is a store house," said Colonel Smith. "We must get more force and carry it all off. Gracious, but this is a lucky night. We can reprovision the whole fleet from this room."

For the first time the shadow of despair passed over that brave forehead. Some one had, indeed, struck a death-blow at him. His army was without food. All his plans were reversed. He had intended to reprovision his force at Amelia, and then push straight on.

The garrison then had an interval of just three weeks to reprovision the castle, then the second siege began, and lasted until July 19, when the courageous defenders surrendered, the besieging force having lost 469 men killed to 99 of those within the castle.

Through long waiting they keep slack watch about the castle, and it is possible that, with care taken at midnight, you might reprovision Bernstein so that she could hold out until her brother comes, whom it is said she has summoned from the Holy Land."

Uncle Prudent also remarked that Robur had been taking stock of the provisions and stores, and everything seemed to show that he was contemplating turning back. "Turning back!" said Phil Evans. "But where to?" "Where he can reprovision the ship," said Uncle Prudent. "That ought to be in some lonely island in the Pacific with a colony of scoundrels worthy of their chief." "That is what I think.

I don't suppose you mind my taking any action I may consider necessary to reprovision the fort? I said, 'Of course not, and then the lamp blew out. Stalky had gone off to count the stores, I supposed. "Mornin' came. No Stalky. Not a sign of him. I took counsel with his senior native officer a grand, white-whiskered old chap Rutton Singh, from Jullunder-way.

So the idea is abandoned; and for this night they must resign themselves to going supperless. Fortunately, none of the three feels a-hungered; their dinner being as yet undigested. Besides, Gaspar is not without hope that something may turn up to reprovision them, ere the sun goes down.