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"Terence, when I get well you will repint of your impudence to your supayrior officer, when he is not able to defend himself." Terence went across to his father's bed. "Do you really feel easier, father?" "A great deal, lad. I was so bruised that every breath I took hurt me; since I have been tightly bandaged I am better, ever so much.

Honor. Recollect it was he that would have dishonoured my family, in me, if he could. Old McB. But he repints now; and what can a man do but repint, and offer to make honourable restitution, and thinking of marrying, as now, Honor dear; is not that a condescension of he, who's a sort of a jantleman? Honor. A sort, indeed a bad sort. Old McB. Why, not jantleman born, to be sure. Honor. Nor bred.

"Try her wid a silver bullet," said Barney; "there is nothing else for it. No dog can kill her that's a clear case; but souple as she is, a silver bullet is the only messenger that can overtake her. Bad luck to her, the thief! sure, if she'd turn to God and repint, it isn't codgerin' wid sich company she'd be, and often in danger, besides, of havin' a greyhound's nose at her flank.

It's yourself that 'ud turn traitor on your country and her cause, if you got the rope and hangman at your nose." "Holy Mary, mother of God! pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amin! Oh, sweet Jasus! have parsecution on me this night, an' spare me if it's your blessed will, till I get time to repint properly anyhow. Mark, darlin', are you gettin' waker, for I am?"

Carbery sat in the three-cornered arm-chair, with the sun-dazzle off a burnished mug on the dresser shimmering into her eyes, and making her blink quaintly, she said, with rather severe solemnity, that "she hoped the young fellow had had time to repint of his sins, or else it was very apt to be a bad look-out for him, and he after comin' widin a shavin' of takin' another man's life no time at all ago, so to spake ne'er a chance but it would be clear in everybody's recollection."

It isn't a clear case that you'd get the indulgence, but it is a clear case that you wor sure to get a horsewhippin'. Now, you know a horse-whippin' 'ud make a man repint goin' to him, an' when a man's in a repintin' state, he may as well repint for whatever sins he has committed, while his hand's in.

Let them not be rash themselves aither, for I tell you that when people marry in haste, they're apt to have time enough to repint at laysure."

I made him repint after his death the day that ever he was born. There's the door, sir, said Frank. Faith and I know there's the door, sir; but where's the money, Captain? That is, I don't mane the ready cash: that is not to be expected, from a gentleman A bond in these cases you know, Captain, is customary. Sir, there's the door.

"It's my belafe we should have bate them off, if it hadn't been for that thafe of the world, Routh, and the other villains. By the powers! if I ever get the chance, I'll make him repint his treachery; but as you have escaped, captin dear, the rest matthers but little to my mind in comparison."