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A small reddish-coloured bundle, which lay in a recess close at hand, uncoiled itself like a hedgehog, and, yawning vociferously, sat up, revealing the fact that the bundle was a boy. "Ded 'ee call, uncle?" asked the boy in a sleepy tone. "Iss did I," said the man; "fetch me the powder an' fuse, my son."

Emerging again into the broad sunlight, I strolled further in search of something to shoot. Presently, I saw, feeding quietly in the forest which bounded the valley of the Mtambu on the left, a huge, reddish-coloured wild boar, armed with most horrid tusks.

On one side of the stream rose a reddish-coloured cliff, almost smooth of face and about seventy or eighty feet high, across the edge of which the last trees on the summit clutched with their naked roots, as though protesting against being thrust over the precipice by the crowd behind them.

"She carries no ensign," reported Mr. Tregaskis; "but a reddish-coloured square flag a house-flag, belike. And yet, seemin' to me, she don't look like a private-owned craft." "She's the Admiralty yacht from Plymouth," announced Mr. Rogers, confidently. He had set a chair close to the window and climbed upon it.

When about a league away from another low island, a canoe, in which were six or eight reddish-coloured Indians with long black hair, came off to the ship; but the explorers could not communicate with them, as they understood none of the languages in which they were addressed. Sailing along the coast, another canoe came off.

These were capped with low reddish-coloured cliffs. At their feet stretched an extensive and seemingly boundless plain in a north-east direction, whilst on the south-east side, and distant about eighteen miles from where we stood, low ranges of hills were visible.

Beyond the bend the road twisted over a low-lying spur of the mountain between outcrops of reddish-coloured rock, and then ran straight for almost three hundred yards, with olive orchards on either hand; so that presently I could follow and hold her in sight, myself keeping well within the trees' line of shadow.

One in the Deccan called Kolsun by the Mahratta people is a reddish-coloured animal, nearly as large as the common European wolf. It dwells in the forests, far remote from the villages and of course lives by preying upon other animals just as wolves and foxes do. Again, in the forests of the Himalaya mountains there is another species of wild dog, different from that of the Deccan.

A leathern belt, and apron of reddish-coloured sheepskin, tanned, completed the costume of an arriero of the humbler class the mozo, or assistant. But the change in the two other men the chief and him addressed as Roblez was of a far more striking kind.