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"With the one who has written the most," said I, because I did not know, at that time, which of them had most interested himself in the M rchen. "Jacob is the most learned," said the maidservant. "Well, then, take me to him." I entered the room, and Jacob Grimm, with his knowing and strongly- marked countenance, stood before me.

The German word M rchen, gives the meaning completely, and this we may English by fairy tale or legend, but then neither of these words are fully correct with regard to Andersen's stories. In my translation of his "Eventyr fortalte for Born," I gave as an equivalent title, "Wonderful Stories for Children," and perhaps this near as I could come.

I saw these two highly-gifted and amiable brothers almost daily; the circles into which I was invited seemed also to be theirs, and it was my desire and pleasure that they should listen to my little stories, that they should participate in them, they whose names will be always spoken as long as the German Volks M rchen are read.

Once a little bird flew over From the north sea's dreary strand; Singing, flew unto me over, Singing M rchen through the land. Farewell! yet again bring hither Thy warm heart and song together. Here I again met with Mayer, who has described Naples and the Neapolitans so charmingly.

The Elves, perhaps the most beautiful story which has been conceived in our time, would alone be sufficient, had Tieck written nothing else, to make his name immortal. As the author of M rchen, I bow myself before him, the elder and The master, and who was the first German poet, who many years before pressed me to his breast, as if it were to consecrate me, to walk in the same path with himself.

M rchen rose, which has so often Charmed me with thy fragrant breath; Where the prince, the poets slumber, Thou hast wreathed the hall of death. And with thee beside each coffin, In the death-hushed chamber pale, I beheld a grief-enchanted, Sweetly dreaming nightingale. I rejoiced amid the stillness; Gladness through my bosom past, That the gloomy poets' coffins Such a magic crowned at last.

There has been published in Denmark a collection of the M rchen of all nations, which is dedicated to you, and in it there is at least one story of mine." "No," said he good-humoredly, but as much embarrassed as myself; "I have not read even that, but it delights me to make your acquaintance; allow me to conduct you to my brother Wilhelm?"