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Burning with rage, the young villager rose alertly, and, flying at Randal, struck out right and left.

For Randal Leslie hated Egerton; and hated him the more because, with all his book-knowledge and his conceit in his own talents, he could not despise his patron; because he had not yet succeeded in making his patron the mere tool or stepping-stone; because he thought that Egerton's keen eye saw through his wily heart, even while, as if in profound disdain, the minister helped the protege.

"Over-suspicious or not," answered Randal, "the amount of the sum is too improbable, and the security too bad, for me to listen to this proposition, even if I could descend to " "Stop, /mon cher/. Business first, scruples afterwards. The security too bad; what security?" "The word of Count di Peschiera." "He has nothing to do with it, he need know nothing about it. 'T is my word you doubt.

"I, then, much alarmed," continued Randal, "hastened to Baron Levy, who informed me that the count had written him word that he should be for some time absent from England. Rushing thence, in despair, to your friend Lord L'Estrange, I heard that your daughter was safe with you.

Ah, that she were living!" Dick's voice trembled. "Her name will be righted; and I will explain why it was my fault that Egerton did not before acknowledge his marriage, and claim you as a brother. Come, then, it is all fixed and settled." "No, my Lord; I am pledged the other way. I don't see how I can get off my word to Randal Leslie.

Daylight faded, and the lamps were lighted in the cars, and still the old man slept, watched by his purposed tormentor and the other boy, who wanted to see "the fun." At last the speed of the train began to slacken. They were nearing a station. Albert sprang up and shook Mr. Randal violently. "Wake up! wake up!" he called sharply. "This is Harrowtown. You must get off here!"

"He should have been named Samson or Goliath; though I believe it was the small man who slung things about and turned out the hero in the end," added Randal, surveying the performance with interest and a touch of envy, for much pen work had made his own hands as delicate as a woman's. "Saul doesn't live in a glass house, so stones won't hurt him.

"I fear lest they may be half won already," said Randal, with a smile and a shake of the head; "but she is too proud to let you see any effect you may produce on her, especially when, as I take it for granted, you have never hinted at the hope of obtaining her hand." "I never till now conceived such a hope. My dear Randal, all my cares have vanished! I tread upon air!

"Somebody's forestalled my solemn introduction, I see," said Randal. "Gorgon performed the ceremony," said Amaryllis. Randal Bellamy at fifty was the most successful patent lawyer of his day. He had taken silk before he was forty, and for many years had enjoyed, not only the largest practice, but a distinction unrivalled in his own country and unsurpassed in the world.

"What!" said Randal, alarmed; "then, after all, I can hope for no support from you?" "I don't say that; but I have reason to think Lord L'Estrange will bestir himself actively in favour of Egerton.