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And the result of his reflections was that he suddenly exchanged his idle sauntering for brisker steps and walked sharply round to the police-station, where he asked to see Mitchington. Mitchington and the detective were just about to walk down to the railway-station to meet Ransford, in accordance with his telegram. At sight of Glassdale they went back into the inspector's office.

'I am going to the railway-station. 'Of course come on. The two men went over a stile to the west, the remainder of the party going into the road on the opposite side. 'And so the romance has ended well, the clerk's companion remarked, as they brushed along through the grass. 'But what is the truth of the story about the property?

The inn bears the date 1667 and the initials 'B.H.J., which may be those of one of the Jacksons, who were Quakers at that time. On the other side of the river, and scarcely more than a mile from Bainbridge, is the little town of Askrigg, which supplies its neighbour with a church and a railway-station.

Another entrance is from the railway-station, where is a lodge of great beauty, from which the road, about a mile in length, gradually ascends to the eminence where the mansion stands.

The villages we pass through have a dirty and neglected appearance; but beggars are nowhere encountered, and, at the entrance of each, we see the inscription, "Mendicity is forbidden in the Department of the Jura." It was evening when we reached the little railway-station of La Cluse, and exquisite indeed was the twilight drive to Nantua.

More fortunate than a friend whose pocket was lately picked of twenty- five pounds at the railway-station here, I waited whilst the terribly slow business of ticket-taking and registration was got over, thankful enough that I had breakfasted overnight that is to say, had made tea at three o'clock in the morning.

Carcaraña may be called the Richmond one might almost say the Brighton of Rosario. It stands on a river, the Carcarañal, to the banks of which an omnibus runs twice a day from the railway-station, during the season, to take people to bathe.

That steadfastness bore his body to the telegraph-office at the railway-station, and dictated a telegram to Hawkins, saying that the Khanda district was, in his judgment, now safe, and he 'waited further orders.

He could buy the indispensable at Faulkner's establishment on the platform at Knype railway-station, conveniently opposite the Five Towns Hotel. He had determined to go to the Five Towns Hotel that night.

He first went into some offices on the wharf, and half an hour later came out and walked toward the railway-station. Vincent at once followed him, and as he overtook him said: "I want very much to speak to you, sir, if you could spare me a minute or two." "Certainly," the sailor said with some surprise. "The train for Petersburg does not go for another half hour. What can I do for you?"