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"How are you all at home, Dr. Quackenboss?" "All Queechy, sir," answered the doctor politely, on the principle of 'first come, first served, "and individuals, I shouldn't like to specify " "How are you all in Queechy, Dr. Quackenboss!" said Fleda.

"Very good!" said Earl as he stepped back, "Queechy can't get along without you, that's no mistake." They drove on a few minutes in silence. "Aren't you thinking, Mr. Carleton," said Fleda, "that my countrymen are a strange mixture?" "I was not thinking of them at all at this moment. I believe such a notion has crossed my mind." "It has crossed mine very often," said Fleda.

They were something to be loved, to be used, to be thankful for, but not to live upon; something too that whispered of an increased burden of responsibility, and never more deeply than at that moment did Fleda remember her mother's prayer; never more simply recognized that happiness could not be made of these things. She might be as happy at Queechy as here.

"How far are we from Queechy, Sir?" said Hugh. "You're not from it at all, Sir," said the man, politely. "You're in Queechy, Sir, at present." "Is this the right road from Montepoole to Queechy village?" "It is not, Sir. It is a very tortuous direction, indeed. Have I not the pleasure of speaking to Mr. Rossitur's young gentleman?" Mr.

And most happily Mrs. Plumfield had discovered that the last tea Mr. Ringgan had brought from the little Queechy store was not very good, and there was no time to send up on "the hill" for more, so she made coffee. Verily it was not Mocha, but the thick yellow cream with which the cups were filled readily made up the difference. The most curious palate found no want.

I only wish it wa'n't out o' Queechy." Fleda thought on the whole, as she walked home, that she did not wish any such thing. Queechy seemed dismantled, and she thought she would rather go to a new place now that she had taken such a leave of everything here. Two things remained, however, to be taken leave of the house and Barby. Happily Fleda had little time for the former.

"She looks like her father," said the sewing-woman, laying down her needle, which indeed had been little hindrance to her admiration since Fleda came in. "She's a real pretty gal," said the old woman in the corner. "He was as smart a looking man as there was in Queechy township, or Montepoole either," the sewing-woman went on, "Do you mind him, Flidda?"

Even her dress could not have wanted another breadth from the skirt, and had no fullness to spare about the body neat as a pin, though; and a well-to-do look through it all. Miss Quackenboss Fleda recognised as an old friend, gilt beads and all. Catherine Douglass had grown up to a pretty girl during the five years since Fleda had left Queechy, and gave her a greeting, half-smiling, half-shy.

Finding myself too late to prevent, as I had hoped to do, any open steps from being taken at Queechy, I returned hither immediately to enforce secrecy of proceedings and to assure you, madam, that my utmost exertions shall not be wanting to bring the whole matter to a speedy and satisfactory termination.

The smooth worn cover brought so back the childish happy days when it had been her constant companion the shadows of the Queechy of old, and Cynthia and her grandfather, and the very atmosphere of those times when she had led a light-hearted strange wild life all alone with them, reading the Encyclopaedia, and hunting out the wood-springs.