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"'Well, git your plug, and we'll amble along together. "So we rode in, right cheerful, instead of quar'lin'. I made him come along to Maggy's cabin, to show it weren't a bluff about the money. "Poor Maggy, she wipes her eye on her apron, and says she'll start for our camp at oncet. "I called the Chinaman aside, confidential. "'You take care of lady! I shrieks at him.

"A warning!" cried Sol's mother. "A warning how you-uns spen' the evenin' o' the Lord's Day in yer quar'lin', an' fightin', an' sech. An' ye, John Grow, jes' from the meet'n'-house!" She did not reproach her brother, nobody hopes anything from a drunkard. "A sign o' bad luck," said the grandmother.

"What you two quar'lin' about?" demanded 'Manda Grier, coming suddenly into the room; and that turned their retrospective griefs into joy again. "I'm scoldin' him because he don't think enough of himself," cried Statira. "Well, he seems to take it pretty meekly," said 'Manda Grier. "I guess you didn't scold very hard.

"Rich feedin' is the sp'ilin' o' this here hoss band," added the farrier, stanching the flow of blood from his scalp; "quit quar'lin' with your rations, kettle-drums!" "Y'orter swaller them cinders," insisted another; "they don't cost nothin'!"

These were the events that led to the friendly meeting of the two Tribes in full war-paint. Chief Woodpecker first addressed them: "Say, fellers Brother Chiefs, I mean this yere quar'lin' don't pay. We kin have more fun working together. Let's be friends an' join in one Tribe. There's more fun when there's a crowd."

He's always comin' here when Bud's away; 'n when he meets Bud anywheres they's always quar'lin', 'n Ah'm jus' wore out with him." Sydney hung the horse's bridle over the end of an upturned horseshoe nailed to a tree before the cabin, and sat down on the door-step beside her humble friend. "Melissa, tell me," she was very grave, "did he ever before does he ?"

Heap o' us 'omans mought teck lessons in Christianity f'om a cow de way she stan' so still an' des look mild-eyed an' chaw 'er cud when anybody sass 'er. Dey'd be a heap less fam'ly quar'lin on dis plantation ef de 'omans had cuds ter chaw dat is ef dey'd be satisfied ter chaw dey own.