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Mooings, chirpings, cacklings there was a superb hen neighings, he-hawing, roarings, bleatings, growlings, quackings, peepings, screamings, bellowings, and something else, of course set The Enormous Room suddenly and entirely alive. Never have I imagined such a menagerie as had magically instated itself within the erstwhile soggy and dismal four walls of our chamber.

Faint quackings came from some unseen ducks among the willows and water gurgled at the invisible outlet of the pond; there were little stirrings and sighings among the trees. The protruding roots of an oak offered a seat to Henrietta, and behind her Charles leaned against the trunk.

Not an hour before they were curious to see the antics of a lively little white dog; now they were curious to see him apparently motionless and dead. By carefully peering through the dense bushes, the boys, with guns loaded, were able to see the dog quivering with suppressed excitement, as the many quackings of the ducks told him of the success of his ruse.

Others were of a contrary opinion, and, his words being fair, and his voice insinuating, a few turned their faces towards the land all the rest soon followed, and, with many pleasant quackings, trooped after him, and entered his lodge.

Away they went on the instant, putter, putter, putter, lifting themselves almost out of water with the swift-moving feet and tiny wings. The mother bird took wing, returned and crossed the bow of the canoe, back and forth, with loud quackings.

As soon as the gate closed there was a great commotion among the waterfowl; the ibises advanced gravely to meet their young mistress, the ducks set up a chorus of welcome, those on the water made for the shore, while those on land followed the ibises with loud quackings.

Tom sat listening to the sounds which came through the window and heard the splashing of water in the distance, and the pipings and quackings of the wild-fowl; but as he leaned forward intently and looked through the open window at the starry sky, there were other noises he heard which made him think of sundry occasions at home when he had been awakened by similar sounds.

In the midst of these reeds was a duck's nest with the young just hatching out, off which the old bird flew with terrified quackings. Beneath this nest lay the treasure, if it were still there. "At any rate the place has not been disturbed lately," said Foy.

All round the boat there were slight sounds low contented quackings, and fluttering of wings, as the birds raised themselves and shook the water from their backs. Parting the rushes in front of them, the two lads and Jethro peeped through them. They were right in the middle of a flock of wildfowl who were feeding without a thought of danger from the clump of rushes in their midst.

He hesitated, but all whom he consulted advised him to make the trial, and accordingly, on a fixed day after mass, with due solemnity the digging began. They had not dug long, the story relates, before they heard "amid the earth horrid strugglings and flutterings and violent quackings of the distressed mallard."