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Every gust of wind sends a cloud of fine dust pyramiding its way across the fields and through the crevices of this suffocating den furnished with a few wooden chairs, a hand-carved bedstead, a small picture of the 'Virgin of the Partridges' and a brass crucifix above the bed.... I greatly SUSPECT my present whereabouts.... I am as much mystified as ever why that veiled Métropole Circe continues to dog my FLIGHTS.... It was she who was the daring flyer and she beat the whole army getting to my retreat in that neglected villa and spiriting me away...."

He stacked them one upon the other, pyramiding them under the trap-door through which he had fallen into the cellar. Then he climbed upon them, leaped, and tried to grasp the edge of the floor above him, but fell short and came tumbling down amid the boxes and barrels, only to start stacking them up all over again.

They call that pyramiding you have heard the term, no doubt, with regard to stocks; it is a fascinating game to play with banks, because the more of them you get, the more prominent you become in the newspapers, and the more the public trusts you." And the General went on to tell of some of the cases of which he knew. There was Stewart, the young Lochinvar out of the West.

In 1921 our naval expenses were about $641,000,000 approximately five times greater in nine years. So over all the earth war preparations were pyramiding with an ever accelerating momentum.

But the whole community was thrilled by the size of the stakes, and each one of the dozen correspondents in the field sent out a sensational article. To copper: a term in faro, meaning to play a card to lose. Despite his many sources of revenue, Daylight's pyramiding kept him pinched for cash throughout the first winter.

Here in New York they have been pyramiding stocks, borrowing money from two trust companies which they control. It's a lovely scheme you've read about it, I suppose. Also you've read that it comes into competition with a certain group of capitalists whom we will call 'the System. "Well, this depression in the market comes along.

Brainard had swung in at the turn and had quietly accumulated the stock control which he needed. He was now bulling the market by matching orders, pyramiding stock which he owned, using every device that was known to his astute brain. On up went Motors, recovering the forty points, gradually, and even going beyond in the reaction. Worthington and Sheppard had been squeezed out.

The expansion of mass production and the mass market paced one another, constantly raising the ante. Mass production, mass marketing and pyramiding profits resulted, first and foremost in the enrichment of businessmen.

"Oh!" said Ferraud, in protest; though this was the very thing he desired. "Not a word!" The admiral summoned the butler, who was the general factotem at The Pines, and gave a dozen orders. "Ah, you Americans!" laughed M. Ferraud, pyramiding his fingers. "You leave us breathless." "Your book has delighted me. But I'm afraid my collection will not pay you for your trouble."

When properly watched and followed this manipulation gave him the constructive and purchasing power of ten and a dozen times as much as his original sum might have represented. He knew instinctively the principles of "pyramiding" and "kiting."