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There never really was, there never will be, any other woman in my life except you: for you are my Life and my World." "You don't hate me for my masquerade?" "Hate you! I'll prove to you whether I " "Why does your face look suddenly different, Man? Why do you stop?" "Because I've remembered something that I'd forgotten." "What?" "Your horrible money." "Don't you think I knew you'd forgotten?

With the stubborn hope of triumph peculiar to his race, Justus, consoling himself for the failure of his first scheme, doubtless considered that Eve would prove a powerful dissolving agent in the Christian family which she had entered, and thus help to make all wealth and power fall into the hands of the Jews. However, Pierre's vision faded.

"And I feel sure that this Spanish captain, who is evidently an ordinary trader, will prove perfectly inoffensive; and besides, my dear sir, we are not at war now, and what enemies can you have to fear?" "Ah, yes," said the Count bitterly, as he made a deprecating gesture with his hands, turning and directing his words at his son; "what enemies can we have to fear?"

He did not answer me, but went away by himself and asked God to give me more compassion. Dear brothers and sisters in the ministry, right here I would sound a note of warning. Let us be careful when a young worker comes among us. Even if he does not seem promising at first, let us have patience with him and give him a chance; let him prove himself.

For plain men and women, the key to the problem may lie in the question put by Robert Browning into the mouth of Innocent XII.: "Is this our ultimate stage, or starting place To try man's foot, if it will creep or climb, 'Mid obstacles in seeming, points that prove Advantage for who vaults from low to high, And makes the stumbling-block a stepping-stone?"

I shall be your true friend as long as life lasts, and I hope to prove this to you in many ways. If I say anything to pain you in this letter, do not believe it is for want of love and tenderness towards you, for there is nothing I would not do for you, if I knew it to be really for your happiness.

Of the three, I have no excuse for the second, save the one I gave myself at the time that Miss Emily could not possibly have done the thing she claimed to have done, and that I must prove her innocence to myself. With regard to Martin Sprague's theory, I was divided. I wanted him to be right. I wanted him to be wrong.

"It was to learn if she spoke the truth." "Oh, we're married, right enough. And you'll have some difficulty in breaking it up before I get out." "You expect, then, to prove your innocence easily?" "I do." "But I hear there are other serious charges." "It is quite the same with them." "But suppose you should not clear yourself of this murder would you wish to drag down my daughter's name?"

Now, if any think that he is poisoned, which I trust none will, whom will they suppose to have poisoned him, though indeed they can never prove the crime?" "The plan is clever," said Noma with admiration, "but in it I see a flaw. The woman will say that she had the drug from you, or, at the least, will babble of her visit to you."

"Did you know her prior to your recent visit?" "Yes; her father's house was my home whenever I chanced to be in New York, and I have seen her, occasionally, since she was a little girl. For your sake, as well as mine, I am glad she will reside here, because I hope she will prove in every respect a pleasant companion for you."