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But another bitter draught was to be mixed for him. Banished from Marly, he had yet the privilege of going to Meudon. He did not fail to avail himself of this every time Monseigneur was there, and stopped as long as he stopped, although in the times of his splendour he had never stayed more than one or two days.

"A busy and a troublesome arm it often proves to be here, in this land of America; where, as they say, man is left greatly to the following of his own wishes, compared to other countries; and happier, ay, and more manly and more honest, too, is he for the privilege!

The young captive bowed his head, folded his arms, and answered "Content." "The women shall not vote!" exclaimed Abishai. "They shall vote," said the chief, with decision; "their peril is equal to ours, and so shall their privilege be." It was with strangely mingled emotions that Lycidas beheld, as it were, the balance raised, one of the scales of which was weighted with his freedom and life!

She walked for a block or two and wondered where she should sleep. There were no hotels up here, and she would have been afraid of their prices. Probably they all charged as much as the Biltmore. At that rate, her money would just about pay for the privilege of walking in and out again. Boarding-houses there might have been, but they bore no distinguishing marks.

You delude yourselves, as you shall find. The Third Estate, which you despise, will prove itself the preponderating force, and it will find a way to make an end of this canker of privilege that is devouring the vitals of this unfortunate country." M. le Marquis shifted in his chair, and spoke at last. "You have, monsieur," said he, "a very dangerous gift of eloquence.

"Woman," he cried, "would you rob me? I'm no Standard Oil." "It's the least I can possibly consider," she answered him firmly. "You can't expect to play good fairy without paying for the privilege. Now, Mr. Radbourne, what will you do?" Jonathan, too, took out an envelope, wrote slowly a row of figures, scratched it out, wrote another and handed it doubtfully to Mrs. Jim.

Kinraid, as her mother was more full of the apparent injustice of Philip's being allowed the privilege of treading on holy ground if, indeed, that holy ground existed on this side heaven, which she was inclined to dispute than to confine herself to the repetition of words, or narration of facts.

Wherever this privilege was denied to Christians, Luther claimed for them the right, by virtue of their universal priesthood, to ordain a priest for themselves, and to reject the ensnaring deceits of mere human doctrine.

As a boy he had not the privilege of going every day to school or of playing peacefully in the door-yard of his home. Mobs drove them out of Missouri, and then out of Nauvoo. They had little peace. Two years after his father had been killed, Joseph's mother, with her family, had to leave her home, along with the Saints, and undertake the long westward journey.

Within the temple of Urania lies concealed the mystery of life. The indices are there, written by the finger of the Infinite in the heavens above. It is our privilege to make this language our own, and it should be the earnest work of every true student of Nature to acquire a right understanding and correct interpretation of these Divine symbols.