United States or Norfolk Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Pictures, ornaments of all kinds had been removed roughly and hastily from the walls; clothes and even jewels were piled on the tables, and a tall girl, standing on a chair, was declaiming volubly for the benefit of her companions. When Maggie, Rose and Priscilla entered the room Polly was exhibiting the charms of a yellow silk dress somewhat the worse for wear.

They were expected to return to the college not later than eleven at night, and one invitation to go out in the week was, as a rule, the most they ever accepted. Into this life Priscilla came, fresh from the Devonshire farm and from all the pursuits and interests which had hitherto formed her world.

Though he was less demonstrative than Lucy, who had outgrown the plainness and the reticence of her childhood and was developing into a coquettish, shallow-minded girl, with what Miss Priscilla called "a glib tongue," Virginia learned gradually, in the secret way mothers learn things, that his love for her was, after his ambition, the strongest force in his character.

Meanwhile Priscilla, still blind, deaf and dumb with misery, ran, rather than walked, along the road which leads to Kingsdene. The day was lovely, with little faint wafts of spring in the air; the sky was pale blue and cloudless; there was a slight hoar frost on the grass. Priscilla chose to walk on it, rather than on the dusty road; it felt crisp under her tread.

I don't think you'd find him angry if you followed my advice very carefully. On the other hand, if you like this and want to stay on there's nothing more to be said. I'll say good-bye, and promise you shall be left in peace. You shall be left to be happy entirely in your own way." Priscilla was silent. "You don't look happy," he said, scrutinizing her face. She was silent. "You've got very thin.

Priscilla knew the expression, and she shook her. "You little wretch!" she exclaimed. Patty squirmed out from under her grasp. "If you remember," she murmured, "I once said that the Lick Observatory was in Dublin, Ireland. It was a very funny mistake, of course, but I know of others that are funnier." "What do you mean?" Bonnie demanded.

The honest soldier was a fool, and saw nothing but Priscilla, and felt nothing but his love for her. He took John Alden by the arm, and, leading him apart into the forest, proposed to him to go to young Mistress Mullens and ask her if she would become the wife of Captain Standish.

"Thanks, Mistress White, I will try to profit by your discourse," replied Priscilla demurely; but her tone did not satisfy the matron, who sharply rejoined, "See that thou do, Mistress Malapert, or I'll ask the elder to deal with thee. Here he is now."

"Can she possibly be taking soundings?" "No," said Frank. "Soundings aren't taken that way. You do it with a line and a lead from the deck of a ship." "All the same," said Priscilla, "she's in league with the other spies. You saw the way they kissed each other." "She may," said Frank, "be taking specimens of the sea bottom. That's a very important thing, I believe."

"I don't think," said Priscilla, looking round her searchingly, "that he's anywhere in this bay. How's your ankle?" "It's quite comfortable," said Frank. "I asked," said Priscilla, "because in order to get out of the bay I shall have to jibe, and that means that you've got to hop across the centreboard case." Frank had not the least idea of what happens when a small boat jibes.