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"He sure does get a fellow interested," agreed Bob. "He isn't a bit preachy about it, either. Just talks to you in words you can understand. But all the time you know he's got a lot back of it and could tell you ten times as much about it if you asked him. Makes you feel safe when you listen to him. Not a bit of guesswork or anything like that."

Just that bold defiant look, so often affected by girls accustomed to fighting their way through the everyday hardships of walled-in surroundings. "Tessie, I am afraid," confessed the younger girl. "I almost cried when Mama asked me to fix supper." "Oh, baby! You are too pretty, that's all's the matter with you. But just wait. Hush! There's that crowd of nifty-nice, preachy, snippy scout girls.

"I'm not likely ever to have too much of it," he laughed sardonically. "Success in life and success in living aren't the same thing. It is because you have discovered this that you have sacrificed the less for the greater." She smiled, and added: "I didn't mean that to sound as preachy as it does." "I'm afraid you make too much of a small thing.

You would think Tideshead was perfectly awful, in winter!" "Why should it be?" asked Betty innocently. "Winter is house-time. I save things to do in winter, and" "Oh, you are so preachy, you are so good-natured, you believe all the prim things that grown people say!" exclaimed Becky. "What would you say if you never went to Boston but once, and then had the toothache all the time?

PROF. D. For eye hath not seen, nor ear heard. STRANGER. Mr. Dunlop! This is an unexpected pleasure! Well, wonders will never cease. The great Professor Dunlop talking to me quite preachy and goody; and of all people in the world, the old man at Darkglade turning out to be a great physiologist! PROF. D. Thank you, sir.

Shakespeare himself certainly took it; for aside from her own charming behaviour and delightful words it is to be observed that everybody in the play who speaks of her at all speaks her praise. It is only upon the stage that she has been made artificial, prim, and preachy.

It was left to us to change that house into a home. It sounds preachy, I know, to say that all buildings depend for their real beauty upon the spirit of the people who inhabit them. But it is true. As the weeks and months slipped by, the new house began to soften and mellow under Mother's gentle touches.

'I don't want to play, said Jane, and her tone was grumpy. Anthea tried very hard not to be cross. She succeeded. 'Look here, she said, 'don't think I want to be preachy or a beast in any way, but I want to what Father calls define the situation. Do you agree? 'Fire ahead, said Cyril without enthusiasm. 'Well then.

I determined to practice assiduously before attempting another match. Somehow I felt responsible for the golfing honor of my country. Other callers came to the rectory. The two curates, their names were Judson and Worcester, visited us; young men, both of them, and good fellows, Worcester particularly. Although they wore clerical garb they were not in the least "preachy."

This sounds a bit preachy, but is valuable, as it reveals the man to whom it is written: the person to whom we write dictates the message. Fronto's habit of giving a problem to work out was quite as good a teaching plan as anything we have to offer now. Thus: "An ambassador of Rome visiting an outlying province attended a gladiatorial contest.