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The detective "on the job" was going to Colorado to look for him, as the climate of that state had been recommended to Richard by a fellow practitioner. On the Monday morning after our arrival in Edinburgh, a third message had come.

Weirmarsh, the hard-working practitioner so well known among the lower classes in Pimlico. Those who pass along the Vauxhall Bridge Road know well that house with its curtains yellow with smoke the one which stands back behind a small strip of smoke-begrimed garden. Over the gate is a red lamp, and upon the railings a brass plate with the name: "Mr. Weirmarsh, Surgeon."

"I am afraid you did not have a very skilful doctor at that time," replied the practitioner with a smile. Lieutenant Fourchon pressed the hand of the doctor, and left the casemate with him. The Confederate officer was evidently of French descent; at any rate, he was very polite. He expressed his obligations to the supposed physician for the service he had rendered in very earnest terms. Mr.

He was quite unconscious of the burning bromine and the clipping of flesh that the skillful hand of the practitioner carried on. When the little group started on the long journey, the invalid looked more like himself than he had since Kate found him. The drive lasted many hours.

Bonamy, the practitioner attached to the Miracle Verification Office, a short, thick-set man, with a square-shaped, clean-shaven face, which had dull, blurred eyes and a tranquil cast of features. Father Fourcade had stopped to question the station-master whom he perceived running out of his office. "Will the white train be very late, monsieur?" he asked. "No, your reverence.

To make matters worse, doctors are hideously poor. The Irish gentleman doctor of my boyhood, who took nothing less than a guinea, though he might pay you four visits for it, seems to have no equivalent nowadays in English society. Better be a railway porter than an ordinary English general practitioner.

“Two ver good tings to depend onobserved Monsieur Le Quoi, bowing politely, with a sweep of his head to the Judge and to the practitioner. “I thank you, monsieurreturned the Judge; “but we keep the young man in pain. Remarkable, thou wilt please to provide linen for lint and bandages

The latter ought to lead him far enough to discriminate early between a mere neurasthenia, for instance, and a beginning of insanity. As soon as the discrimination is perfected and insanity is found, he has to give the case out of his care anyhow and hand it over to the specialist and to the asylum. The knowledge of psychiatric treatment is, therefore, not essential for the average practitioner.

Guppy, née Miss Nicholl, was, in the days of her maidenhood, a practitioner of photography in Westbourne Grove; and, as far as I know, she might have been the means of opening up to the denizens of the Summer Land this new method of terrestrial operations.

The evidence showed that the captain called out, "Stranger, ef you don't tote your plunder off that gang-plank, I'll spill you in the drink." We submit that for terseness and vigor the practitioner at the bar of the Ohio had the better of the learned counsel who appeared at the bar of justice, albeit his client was in a Cockney mystification at the address. The illustration will serve our turn.