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"Whew! and yonder craft might be one of the tricky boats engaged in that business; is that what you mean, Giraffe?" asked Bumpus, again staring hard after the strange black powerboat which was larger than the Chippeway Belle, and apparently much better able to meet the heavy seas that must sweep across the lake when the wind reached a certain strength. "Oh!

The bigger powerboat pulled away from the Duchess and the two parties ceased shouting back and forth. Mrs. Morse was trying to get a nap, so the girls did not sing. But they told jokes and stories, and of course Bobby gave one of her jingles: "'There was an old man of Nantasket Who went to sea in a basket: When up came a shark, Swallowed him and his bark Now, wasn't that a fine funeral casket?"

They had talked over about every subject that could be imagined, including the matter of the mysterious powerboat that had passed them that afternoon, apparently heading in another direction; though Thad knew that long afterwards those in the black craft had altered their course, and were really following them.

Prettyman Sweet's motorboat Duchess, a very nice craft, and the larger powerboat belonging to Chet Belding and Lance Darby, named Bonnie Lass, were manned by the boys before the girls appeared. These two boats were large enough to transport both parties of campers, and would likewise tow the flotilla of canoes.

Already the eager eyes of the boys had discovered a boat that answered the description of the one they expected to find awaiting them. Making straight for the place they found that they had guessed rightly. That good sized powerboat was the Chippeway Belle, the vessel which was to be their home for the next two weeks or more, as they pleased.

The crowd on the other powerboat heard the shout, if they had not all seen Purt's exhibition of diving. The dude went under just as deep as the dog, and did not come to the surface anywhere near as quickly. The Barnacle, whether he was a water-dog, or not, was a good swimmer.

"It sure does, Allan," came the reply. "Well, then, we must expect that was where they carried our chum; and so we'll make for the cabin now," Allan continued. "We'll see it soon enough," Thad told them, "because it's only a little ways from where they have their powerboat hidden. Move along as still as you can, boys; and no more talking now except in whispers."

Having seen the exquisite dragged aboard the Duchess, most of the girls on the other powerboat gave their attention to the dog. Indeed, his fate all the time had attracted more attention from Lizzie Bean, than had the trouble Purt Sweet was in. "Why! he might have been drowned!" Lily exclaimed in answer to something Bobby said. "That's right.

At the end of the dock lay a power-boat, moored, evidently belonging to some one interested in the work on the pier. The workmen had just finished unloading a car full and were climbing back on the empty car, which looked as if it had once been a trolley. As Del Mar looked over the scene of activity, he caught sight of the powerboat. "Just what I want," he muttered to himself. "I must get Elaine.

I had a powerboat seven and a half power gasoline that I kept anchored back of my nighest-in weir in deep water, and a little skiff on shore to row off to her in. "The yarn begins one morning when I went down to the shore after clams. I'd noticed the signs then.