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Isaac, had, however, promised Madame Leclerc to return by an appointed hour. There could be no difficulty, he said, in going to Pongaudin any day: but to-day he had promised that they would both return to Madame Leclerc. Aimee, therefore, bade her father farewell for the present only for a very little while. He must tell her mother that they should certainly meet very soon.

Notwithstanding his master's explanations and commands, and his own promises, fervently given when they were alone, he could never see the Commandant without pouting out all his complaints, and asking for everything relating to external comfort that his master had been accustomed to at Pongaudin.

"Home!" she exclaimed with loathing. "Yes, I must go home," she said, hurriedly. "You love Pongaudin you call it paradise. I wish you joy of it now! You have put an evil spirit into it. I wish you joy of your paradise!" She disengaged herself from him as she spoke, and walked away.

Therese would not compromise the Ouvertures by living with them, in the present state of affairs. She remained quietly on her husband's estate, near Saint Marc, only corresponding frequently with her friends at Pongaudin, in letters which all the world might see.

He allowed his children, therefore, to fix a day when he should go with them on a fishing excursion round the little island of Gonaives, which was a beautiful object from the windows of the house at Pongaudin, as it lay in the midst of the bay. The excursion had answered completely.

Such was the plan settled presently after the deputation had left the gates settled among the few confidential friends, whose tastes, as well as interests, Toussaint chose to consult. Madame Dessalines was among those; and one of the most eager to be gone. She engaged to remove her husband safely to a place where his recovery must proceed better than among the agitations of Pongaudin.

Monsieur Critois had enough to do to protect himself and his lady; and he earnestly desired his ward to be thankful that she had friends among the ruling powers. Euphrosyne needed no commands on this head. She joined Madame Pascal, and was now with her and the secretary in the half-camp, half-household of Pongaudin.

But I am unhappy I am wretched that you are about to forfeit your greatness, when Oh, Toussaint! nothing should ever grieve me again, if we could but agree to-day if I could but see you retire, with your wonted magnanimity, to Pongaudin, there, with your wonted piety, to await the leadings from above. Where is your wonted faith, that you do not see them now, through the clouds that are about us?"

Farewell, till I bring you news at Pongaudin that you may ride along the southern coast as securely as in your own cane-pieces." "You are going?" said Aimee. "This very hour. I south L'Ouverture north " "And the rest to Pongaudin with the dawn," said Toussaint. "What is your pleasure concerning me?" asked Moyse. "I wait your orders."

Its irregular clang banished sleep in a moment from a circuit of many miles. It not only startled the ladies of the family from their beds; but every fisherman rushed from his hut upon the shore. Christophe and Placide were galloping to Pongaudin almost before they had drawn a breath. Every beast stirred in its lair; and every bird rustled in its roost.