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Pierre had engaged to see her daily till the furniture should have been sold, and the house shut up, and he himself about to embark for France, with the savings of his long service. Her guardian, Monsieur Critois, knew but little of young people, and how to talk to them. He had assured her that he mourned extremely the loss of his old acquaintance the acquaintance of so many years and so lost.

Our friends, my old friends, all whom I feel I could rely upon in case of need, are gone to France with Hedouville." "Oh, grandpapa! very few whites are gone they were chiefly mulattoes who went with Hedouville; and so many whites remain! And though they are not, except, perhaps, Monsieur Critois, exactly our friends, yet we can easily make acquaintance with them." "No, no, child.

Monsieur Critois saw that she was struggling to say something: but, after waiting a minute, he stroked her hair, promised to come again some day soon, hoped she would cheer up, had no doubt she would be very happy and was gone, glad to have done with sobbing girls for this day. When the gates had closed upon him, the petting began.

Monsieur Critois had enough to do to protect himself and his lady; and he earnestly desired his ward to be thankful that she had friends among the ruling powers. Euphrosyne needed no commands on this head. She joined Madame Pascal, and was now with her and the secretary in the half-camp, half-household of Pongaudin.

If Father Gabriel offered her comfort which was no comfort, or reproved her when she did not feel herself wrong; if the abbess praised her for anything she had not designed to be particularly right; if the sisters applauded sayings which she was conscious were not wise; if her heart ached for her grandfather's voice or countenance; if Monsieur Critois visited her, or Pierre did not; if her lesson in history was hard, or her piece of needle-work dull; if her flowers faded, or her bird sang so finely that she would have been proud for the world to hear it the passion for seeing Afra was renewed.

He would be saying all day long that it was his desire fully to discharge his duty to me. I can hardly help shaking off his hand now, when he strokes my hair: and, if it came to his doing it every morning, we should certainly quarrel. They say Madame Critois never speaks; so I suppose she admires his conversation too much to interrupt it. There she and I should never agree. Live at my guardian's!

You would like to win over your guardian to let you have your own way in everything: and, to be sure, in comparison with his house, our convent " "My guardian!" exclaimed Euphrosyne. "Live at Monsieur Critois'! Oh no!" And she laughed as she went on "He would be telling me every day that we should be very good friends.