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When Brigadier Rey died in 1841, his two children, Juan and Perfecta, had just married: the latter the richest land-owner of Orbajosa, the former a young girl of the same city. The husband of Perfecta was called Don Manuel Maria Jose de Polentinos, and the wife of Juan, Maria Polentinos; but although they had the same surname, their relationship was somewhat distant and not very easy to make out.

"Mine is immense," said Senora de Polentinos, in the midst of her sobs. "Mine is very small," said the canon; "but we shall see, we shall see."

A shot was heard. Then another. From Don Cayetano Polentinos to a friend in Madrid: "ORBAJOSA, April 21. "MY DEAR FRIEND: "Send me without delay the edition of 1562 that you say you have picked up at the executor's sale of the books of Corchuelo. I will pay any price for that copy. I have been long searching for it in vain, and I shall esteem myself the most enviable of virtuosos in possessing it.

"He may be going to the brigadier's." "The brigadier lives up the street, and Don Pepe is going down in the direction of the senora's house." "Of the senora's house!" exclaimed Caballuco, quickening his steps. But they were mistaken. The man whom they were watching passed the house of Polentinos and walked on. "Do you see that you were wrong?"

At eight in the morning a lieutenant-colonel of cavalry entered the house of Dona Perfecta Polentinos with his billet.

Don Cayetano arriving at this moment, words were exchanged between the two gentlemen, as between man and man; but as we are more interested at present in another matter, we will leave the Polentinos and the lieutenant-colonel to settle matters between them as best they can, and proceed to examine the question of the sources above mentioned.

What is her name?" "Dona Perfecta Rey de Polentinos." "Ah! I know her by reputation. She is an excellent person, and the only one of whom I have not heard the garlic-venders speak ill. When I was here before I heard her goodness, her charity, her innumerable virtues, everywhere extolled." "Yes, my aunt is very kind, very amiable," said Rey. Then he fell into a thoughtful silence.

Little by little the house freed itself from the enormous burden of its debts, for the excellent Don Juan Rey, who had the best way in the world for managing such matters, pleaded in the court, made settlements with the principal creditors and arranged to pay them by instalments, the result of this skilful management being that the rich patrimony of Polentinos was saved from ruin and might continue, for many years to come, to bestow splendor and glory on that illustrious family.

Perfecta and Juan had ceased to see each other from the time of their marriage, because the sister had gone to Madrid with her husband, the wealthy Polentinos, who was as rich as he was extravagant.

To do so, let us leave Senora de Polentinos, without concerning ourselves in regard to what may have happened to her on the morning of her conversation with Maria Remedios. Returning to her house, full of anxiety, she found herself obliged to endure the apologies and the civilities of Senor Pinzon, who assured her that while he lived her house should not be searched.