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I did as she asked, and read out: "Miss Polly Hinton, as 'Peggy, in The Country Wife, played for her benefit at the Haymarket Theatre, September 14th, 1782." "It's a play-actress," said I. "Oh, you rude little boy, to say it in such a tone," said she; "as if a play-actress wasn't as good as any one else.

"With her huddle of clothes, she looked for all the world like a German Play-actress; her dress, you would have said, had been bought at a second-hand shop; all was out of fashion, all was loaded with silver and greasy dirt.

Do you know, Anne, I half thought it was you John cared about; and it was a weight off my heart when he said he didn't. 'Did he say he didn't? 'Yes. He assured me himself that the only person in the hold of his heart was this lovely play-actress, and nobody else. 'How I should like to see her! 'Yes. So should I.

Meanwhile Rosemary ate, not knowing what she ate, choking down her food with glass after glass of water which by no means assuaged the inner fires. While she was washing the breakfast dishes the other two were discussing Mrs. Lee's hair. Grandmother insisted that it was a wig, as play-actresses always wore them and Mrs. Lee was undoubtedly a play-actress. "How do you know?"

He made acquaintances; passed much time in the Pall Mall taverns; and was able to pilot me about the town, and introduce me to many agreeable habitués of the coffee-houses, as if he were the elder resident of London, and I were the newcomer. And so we arrived at the Spring of 1786, and a momentous event. We Meet a Play-actress There.

Making, one summer day, a pilgrimage to the grave of Charlotte Cushman, I was guided to the place of her rest by one of the labourers employed about the cemetery, who incidentally pronounced upon the deceased a comprehensive and remarkable eulogium. "She was," he said, "considerable of a woman, for a play-actress." Well she was.

Sir Morton conquered an inclination to gasp for breath and say 'Damn! at the young lady's careless refusal of his invitation to dinner, Miss Tabitha secretly rejoiced. "I'm sure I don't want her at Badsworth," she said within herself, viciously "Nasty little insolent conceited thing! I believe her hair is dyed, and her complexion put on! A regular play-actress!"

But no child of mine walks the streets of Onabasha looking like a play-actress woman. You wet your hair and comb it down modest and decent and then be off, or you'll have no time to find where you belong." Elnora gave one despairing glance at the white face, framed in a most becoming riot of reddish-brown hair, which she saw in the little kitchen mirror.

The eldest, Rowland, however, soon disappeared from the arena of life. He married when scarce twenty years of age a girl who had been a play-actress. This marriage nearly broke his doting mother's heart, and his own, too, for the matter of that, for the union was a most unhappy one.

"One who has smiled where she has not loved and loved where she has not married. Before Mr. Charmond made her his wife she was a play-actress." "Hey? But how close you have kept all this, Giles! What besides?" "Mr. Charmond was a rich man, engaged in the iron trade in the north, twenty or thirty years older than she.