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Perhaps I had better investigate up there. Screw driver, please." The Phoenix took the screw driver in one claw and flew up to the top of the pole. David could hear the creak of the lines under the Phoenix's weight and the rattling of the screw driver against the porcelain insulators.

Then he took all the cookies from the jar, borrowed two plates and spoons, put everything into a large paper bag, and set out for the Phoenix's ledge. He was surprised to find the Phoenix working busily in the middle of a wide place on the ledge. Apparently the bird had been at it all night, for a huge pile of sticks and brush had been heaped up on the ground and shaped roughly like a nest.

"But nothing like a huge bird with bright feathers?" Well, he would have to tell a lie. After all, it was for the Phoenix's sake. "No," said David. "Ah," said the Scientist. But his cold eyes bored into David's for another instant, plainly saying, "I'm not fooled, young man." "It's odd," he continued, "that no one has seen it. But I have no doubt it's somewhere here.

"Shrieking fish," a strange idea of Leigh Hunt. In my museum, all the ducal rings that have been thrown into the Adriatic. An association of literary men in the other world, or dialogues of the dead, or something of that kind. Imaginary diseases to be cured by impossible remedies, as a dose of the Grand Elixir, in the yolk of a Phoenix's egg. The disease may be either moral or physical.

But the way to make them new men was to get 'em to cohabit with a new-cast female; for this they caught that fifth kind of crinckams, which some call pellade, in Greek, ophiasis, that makes them cast off their old hair and skin, just as the serpents do, and thus their youth is renewed like the Arabian phoenix's.

7: In Which the Phoenix's Plan Is Carried Out, and There Are More Alarums and Excursions in the Night "Now, my boy," said the Phoenix, when they got back to the ledge that afternoon, "are the shops still open?" "I think they're open till six," said David, shaking the sand out of his shoes. "Are we going to buy something?" "Precisely, my boy. A hardware store should have what we need.

When he returned, the Phoenix was fast asleep. "Phoenix," he whispered, "wake up. Here's your " The Phoenix awoke with a violent start and stared wildly around the room. "Trapped!" it muttered, making a frenzied effort to get off the bed. "Not so loud!" David whispered sharply. "It's me!" Understanding dawned in the Phoenix's eyes, and it eased itself back with a sigh. "Ah, you, my boy.

But they were inserted by Homer very aptly to the occasion of Phoenix's instructing Achilles what a pernicious thing anger is, and what foul acts men do by its instigation, while they are capable neither of making use of their own reason nor of hearing the counsel of others.

"My boy?" "Listen, please!" And David whispered in the Phoenix's ear. The plan had seemed like a good one while it was still in his mind, but put into words it sounded a little too simple. As he whispered, David began to feel more and more foolish, so that finally he stopped altogether. "I I guess it's really kind of silly," he stammered.

Once more youth, joy, and hope sprang from the Phoenix's ashes and rejoiced in the centuries of sunshine before him. Death was indeed worth dying to make this life worth living! Slowly the young Phoenix descended to the nest which had been at once a sepulchre and a cradle.