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Louis Philippe's three sons were also with the troops, sharing all the duties, dangers, and hardships of the campaign. By the end of 1847 Abdul Kader had retired to a stronghold in the mountains, where, seeing that his cause was lost, he tendered his submission to the Duc d'Aumale, then governor of Algeria. The offer was accepted.

She had been at Windsor Castle only a few days before, and the queen had looked sorrowfully after her as she drove away, with shabby post-horses, to her residence near Richmond. The emperor begged her Majesty to express to Louis Philippe's widow his hope that she would not hesitate to pass through France on any journey she might make to Spain.

"Really, Monty, the scheme is ridiculous," said DeMille, "the police won't allow it." "Won't they though!" said Monty, exultantly. "The chief happens to be Philippe's brother-in-law, and we had him on the telephone. He wouldn't listen to the scheme until we agreed to make him grand marshal of the parade.

The disappointment felt by the Liberals at the results of the Revolution of 1830, and of the establishment of Louis Philippe's Government, upon which such high hopes had been founded, was already beginning to assert itself in secret agitation, and in the sanguinary street insurrections, such as that of June, 1832, sanguinarily repressed.

There used to be stories floating about Paris concerning Louis Philippe's birth and parentage, stories, however, not to be believed, and which broke down upon investigation. These made him out to be the son of an Italian jailer, exchanged for a little girl who had been born to the Duke of Orleans and his wife at a time when it was a great object with them to have a son.

I have enough to make up the sum; I took your money for Philippe's sake; I thought I could put it back before you missed it. Oh! I have suffered much." She sat down. Her dry, fixed eyes wandered a little. "It was he who did it," whispered the old woman to Joseph. "No, no," cried Agathe; "take my silver plate, sell it; it is useless to me; we can eat with yours."

She looked at it till the tears confused her sight, took it off softly and tossed it into the flames. Then, her face shining with tears and smiles, transfigured with tenderness and passion, she threw herself into Philippe's arms. The night was far advanced when the citoyenne Blaise opened the outer door of the flat for her lover and whispered to him in the darkness: "Good-bye, sweetheart!

Philippe's first measure was to get them all into his hands, and for this purpose he proclaimed a Crusade, and actually himself took the Cross, with his son-in-law Edward II., at the wedding of Isabel. Jacque de Molay, the Grand Master, hastened from Cyprus, and convoked all his chief knights to take counsel with the French King on this laudable undertaking.

But you alone can " "What can I do?" asked Philippe. "I have obtained a change of residence for you from Autun to Issoudun. Philippe's sunken face, which had grown almost sinister in expression and was furrowed with sufferings and privation, instantly lighted up with a flash of joy.

Two hundred thousand mechanics alone were out of employment in Paris, besides laborers, servants, clerks, etc. It was proposed to establish national workshops in Louis Philippe's pretty private pleasure-grounds, the Parc des Monceaux.