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Has she no other mission than to add to perishable glories? Is she to teach the world nothing new in education and philanthropy and government? Are all her struggles in behalf of liberty in vain? We all know that Christianity is the only hope of the world.

There had been no mention at all of this in his life, by these reverend authors, who scrupled not to print the garbled letters, with the manifest design of lowering the character of their father's friend, by ranking him among venal stipendiary pretenders to philanthropy, and jobbing mendicant patriots.

Clara B. Arthur, some ten years ago, read a paper before the Department of Philanthropy and Reform, and following it the chairman of the meeting appointed a committee to consider the possibility of playgrounds for Detroit children.

It's funny too, because, though he doesn't dance or talk, they like him. But Miss Biddle is an older girl, and can talk on subjects which please him. She is very much interested in politics and philanthropy." "I thought," said Leonore, fluffing the lace on her gown, "that Peter never talked politics." "He doesn't," said Dorothy. "But she has studied political economy.

In a period of sentimental optimism, of fervid enthusiasms and tearful philanthropy, he represented the pleasure-loving prince of the Renaissance, crushing his people with taxes but dazzling them with festivities; infuriating them by his disregard of the public welfare, but fascinating them by his good looks, his tolerance of old abuses, his ridicule of the monks, and by the careless libertinage which had founded the fortunes of more than one middle-class husband and father for the Duke always paid well for what he appropriated.

I cried over the verses and I smiled over them." I will close this paper with Miss Scudder's last stanza: "So apt to know, so wise to guide, So tender to redress, O, friend with whom such charms abide, How can I love thee less?" The career of Dorothy Dix is a romance of philanthropy which the world can ill afford to forget.

This accomplished, the pendulum of mob passion swings back to the opposite extreme, and the compensatory emotions express themselves in hysterical fashion. Philanthropy and charity are then unleashed. We begin to hold human life sacred again. We try to save the lives of the people we formerly sought to weaken by devastation, disease and starvation.

What have I been after all, with all my philanthropy and charity, but a selfish, luxurious, pompous personage? an actor doing my alms to be seen of men? I did my good works as unto Christ? No; I did them as unto myself to get honour from men while I lived, and to save my selfish soul when I died. God be merciful to me a sinner!

Now, such contrasts obviously prove nothing more than that money-making is and would be a vicious aim if pursued regardless of these virtues, and it could well be replied that consideration of patriotism, philanthropy, love of family, etc., must in themselves impel one to earn and to save.

"Well," said she, "I'm willing to keep on paying if the right people will keep on loving. Anyway, philanthropy good works are none of my business. My business, sir, is to make you a home. And with the exception of one person that I know about positively, the rest of the world can go hang." "That statement," said Wilmot, "sounds very pagan and profane to me and also very, very beautiful.