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Yes, Ardelia was thought a sight on in Jonesville by scholars and parents and some that wuzn't parents. One young chap in perticiler, Abram Gee by name, who had just started a baker's shop in Jonesville, he fell so deep in love with her from the very start that I pitied him from about the bottom of my heart. It wuz at our house that he fell.

"Thar's other folks 'd be glad t' see me thar, perticiler the sheriff. Ain't you fellers skeered, now yer know yer talkin' t' an outlaw?" "Not much," laughed Ned. "If you are an outlaw you have probably had all the trouble you want." "You bet I hev." "Then you aren't looking for any more. So what is there to scare us?" "Not a blame thing. But you boys is plucky.

This Chief tells me of a number of their Treditions about Turtles, Snakes, &. and the power of a perticiler rock or Cave on the next river which informs of everr thing none of those I think worth while mentioning- The wind So hard a head the boats Could not move aftr 10 oClock, Capt Louis Took the altitude of the Sun Laid. 46° 23' 57" I Killed 3 Deer and the hunters with me killed 3 also the Indian Shot one but Could not get it- I Scaffeled up the Deer & returned & met the boat after night on the L. S. about 6 miles above the place we Camped last night- one of the men Saw a number of Snakes, Capt Lewis Saw a large Beaver house S. S. I Cought a Whipprwill Small & not Common-. the leaves are falling fast-. the river wide and full of Sand bars,. Great numbers of verry large Stone on the Sides of the hills & Some rock of a brownish Colour in the Ld.