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'No, you won't. You'll go and get on with your library. I shall do better alone. If I could only get a peep at the Moldwarp chest as well! 'But the place may have been bought and sold many times. Just look here, though, I said, as I showed him the crest on my watch and seal. 'Mind you look at the top of your spoon the next time you eat soup at the Hall. 'That is unnecessary, quite.

Finding that they grew uneasy, I made no objection to their returning, and sent them off loaded with bread-dust and some oil for each of their lamps. They remained long enough, however, to have a peep at Mrs. On the 13th, our friends at the huts were fortunate in procuring three seals, an event that created great joy at the village. Mr.

When a man of fortune had nearly done with time, he began to peep into eternity through the windows of an abbey; or, if a villian had committed a piece of butchery, or had cheated the world for sixty years, there was no doubt but he could burrow his way to glory through the foundations of an abbey.

"But you have not told me how the acquaintance is to be made; for you cannot, I think, carry her to Whitehall." "Aha, my dear lord, you would have the whole secret! but that I cannot afford I can spare a friend a peep at my ends, but no one must look on the means by which they are achieved." So saying, he shook his drunken head most wisely.

That girl will be a mother of heroes. To have volcanic fire and the mastery of her nerves at the same time, is something prodigious. She is magnificent. Take a peep at her. I suspect that the rascal at her right is seizing his occasion to plant a trifle or so in her memory the animal! It's just the moment, and he knows it. De Pyrmont looked at Wilfrid's face.

It was a terrible punishment for Peace to keep still, and knowing this, just the faintest glimmer of a smile twitched at his lips, but he merely nodded gravely. "Aren't you going to say anything?" Gravely he shook his head. Peace stared at the chandelier, then surreptitiously stole a peep at the face behind her. A big hand turned the curly head gently from him.

This, at least, was an agreeable suggestion, and as I saw it chimed with Mike's notions, I acceded at once; he came running up at the moment. "I had a peep at her through the window, Mister Charles, and, faix, she has a great look of the family." "Well, Mickey, I'll leave you twenty-four hours to cultivate the acquaintance; and to a man like you the time, I know, is ample.

"Can you really speak true?" said the lady in undismayed wonderment. "Madame, through your window you will catch a little peep of the American colonial ship-of-war, Banger, which I have the honor to command. With my best respects to your lord, and sincere regrets at not finding him at home, permit me to salute your ladyship's hand and withdraw."

Seizing the spade and lantern, she made her way slowly and carefully downstream for three hundred yards and paused beside a shelving ledge which projected half-way across the brook. She paused and listened again for full ten minutes, immovable as the rock on which her thin, bony hand rested. The stars were looking, but they could only peep through the network of overhanging trees.

One who was my neighbor last year interjected into his song a series of four or five most exact imitations of the peep of a chicken. When I first heard this performance, I was in company with two friends, both of whom noticed and laughed at it; and some days afterwards I visited the spot again, and found the bird still rehearsing the same ridiculous medley.