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We have arrested Monsieur de Beaufort, but he is the least dangerous among them. There is the Prince de Conde " "The hero of Rocroy. Do you think of him?" "Yes, madame, often and often, but pazienza, as we say in Italy; next, after Monsieur de Conde, comes the Duke of Orleans." "What are you saying? The first prince of the blood, the king's uncle!"

Of course he was a little staggered; and, probably, his own notion at this moment is, that he would rather never see your face again, than dream of such a thing. Ma, ci vuol pazienza! My notion is, that you will have him nibbling at the hook again before long. That little hint about the nephew was masterly. Depend upon it that will do its work."

It is hard to provide in English fashion against such a winter as this, and the Capri fisherman prefers to regard it as something abnormal, exceptional, to be borne with "pazienza" and a shrug of the shoulders.

I had her educated by the nuns of Bellinzona chow. Her knowledge of geography was consummate chow, chow," &c. Here "chow" means "pazienza," "I have done and said all that I can, and must now bear it as best I may." I tried to comfort her, but could do nothing, till at last it occurred to me to say "chow" too. I did so, and was astonished at the soothing effect it had upon her.

But I whisper to him every day, 'Pazienza, Signor Principe!" "So you firmly believe," said Rowland, in conclusion, "that Miss Light will accept him just in time not to lose him!" "I count upon it. She would make too perfect a princess to miss her destiny." "And you hold that nevertheless, in the mean while, in listening to, say, my friend Hudson, she will have been acting in good faith?"

It sought information of the officials running to and fro with telegrams, in a spirit of national sweetness, and consoled itself with saying, as Italy has said under all circumstances of difficulty for centuries: Ci vuol pazienza! At last a blank silence fell upon it, as the Capo-Stazione advanced toward a well-dressed man in the crowd, and spoke to him quietly.

Ma, come si fa? Ci vuol pazienza! This is the sole course open to ingenuous youth in Venice, where confessed and unashamed acquaintance between young people is extremely difficult; and so this blind pursuit must go on, till the Biondina's inclinations are at last laboriously ascertained. Suppose the Biondina consents to be loved?

Perhaps the whole undertaking will be completed some day speriamo! as the natives say, when speaking of something rather beyond reasonable expectation. But possibly not; and in that case pazienza! meaning, that all hope may now be abandoned. There is seldom any great hurry, with non-governmental works of this kind.

"I hope so," replied the Doctor, "it has only paid you off for the one you gave me twenty years ago." "I! you! but how, caro Padrone?" "Ah! you haven't yet, I assure you, recognized your old acquaintance, the identical ghost which you favored with a bullet. Would you like to see it once more?" "Pazienza!" exclaimed Beppo, "for once, twice; but three times, no, that is more than enough.

The little ones cried and struggled down among the crowd, seeing nothing, and conscious from the chorus of ecstatic exclamations that they were missing a golden moment. "Pace! Yes, they are coming: she is there the Regina. Every one of you shall see every one. Pazienza! Some one will hold the bimbo who sleeps? Then I could lift Tonino and Maria. Mille Grazie!"