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'Not I, retorted Miss Twexby, tossing her curl-papers; 'I've been attending to par's business; but, oh, gracious! with a sudden recollection of her head-gear, 'you've seen me in undress. 'And you look more charming than ever, finished Vandeloup, as he took his bedroom candle from her. 'I will see you in the morning. My friend still asleep, I suppose? 'I'm sure I don't know.

"Well, I can't really say, miss. But when a gentleman of your par's age pays so much attention to a lady young enough to be his daughter, it generally do end that way." There was evidently no consolation to be obtained from Warman, nor was that astute handmaiden to be betrayed into any expression of opinion against Miss Lovel.

"Begging pardon, sir, for being a gabbler," said Deborah, witheringly, "but know what he is we do a fine young gent with long descents and stone figgers in churches, as Bart knows. Beecot's his par's name, as is fighting with Mr. Paul by reason of contrariness and 'igh living, him being as stout as stout." "Perhaps you will explain, Sylvia," said Aaron, turning impatiently from the handmaiden.

'It's very hot, ain't it, observed Miss Twexby, affably, as she cut up the lemon; 'par's gone to sleep in the other room, jerking her head in the direction of the parlour, 'but Mr Villiers went out in all the heat, and it ain't no wonder if he gets a sunstroke.

Norris takes a good deal of notice of what's going on, and he has made a good many remarks upon your par's attention to Miss Lovel. Looking at the position of the parties, you see, miss, it would be such a curious thing if it was to be brought round for that young lady to be mistress of Arden Court." "Good gracious me, Warman!" cried Sophia aghast, "you don't suppose that papa would marry again?"

Mammy Liza met her at the door, and, with streaming eyes and convulsive sobs, folded her to her heart, as Iola exclaimed, in tones of hopeless anguish: "Oh, papa's dead!" "Oh, my pore baby!" said mammy, "ain't you hearn tell 'bout it? Yore par's dead, an' your mar's bin drefful sick. She's better now." Mam Liza stepped lightly into Mrs. Leroy's room, and gently apprised her of Iola's arrival.

"I don't mean anything that have a meaning," said Miss Junk, enigmatically, "but your par's willing to sell you for that dratted brooch, whatever he wants it for. And you to be put against a brooch my honey-pot. I'm biling yes, biling hard," and Deborah snorted in proof of the extremity of her rage. "Never mind, Debby. Father consents that I shall marry Paul, and will give us enough to live on.

In the mean time, a continual skirmishing was kept up between Par's rifle corps, and small parties of Indians who sallied from their works, and suddenly retreated, apparently with the hope of being incautiously pursued.