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Dada had no other presentable garment, so, in spite of her indignant refusal and many tears, she had to remain indoors with Papias.

Now my friend here will be able so to dress his Praxilla that the splendor of her attire might have astonished the great Macedonian himself, but who is the father of that pretty child who is satisfied with the blue ribbon in her hair, her two roses, and her little white frock?" "Your reflections are just, Papias," interrupted the dealer, with dry incisiveness.

Now it is a fact that in portions of Matthew and Luke, derived elsewhere than from Mark, there are various allusions most easily understood if it be assumed that Jesus visited Jerusalem before his appearance there at the end of his ministry. These all suggest that the narrative of Mark does not tell the whole story, a conclusion quite in accordance with the account of his work given by Papias.

The master and scholar exchanged greetings with a show of haughty coolness and Papias said: "You forgot to bring back the things which yesterday, without asking my leave, you took out of my wardrobe. I must have them back to-day." "I did not take them for myself, but for the grand lord in there, and his companion. If any thing is missing apply to him.

Papias was on intimate terms with this important official, for he had constructed for him a sarcophagus for his deceased wife, an altar with panels in relief for his men's apartment, and other works, at moderate prices, and he could count on his readiness to serve him.

When Papias had grown to man's estate and was installed as steward to Demetrius, he sought his sister many times and tried to persuade her to live with him in his new home; but she never would consent to quit her solitary cell.

Only Papias and two of his fellow-artists, declared against this choice, and eagerly asserted that among all the damsels present one, and one alone, was worthy to appear before the Emperor as Alexander's bride, and that one was Praxilla, the daughter of Gabinius.

Do not be surprised if you find me turned to a stark, brown mummy for we are in Egypt, you know, the land of mummies. I bequeath my old dress to you, my dear, for I know you would never put on the new one. If you bewail me as you ought I will visit you in a dream, and put a sugarplum in your mouth a cake of ambrosia such as the gods eat. You are not even leaving me Papias to tease!"

"Three hours ago, and again a second time, when you were talking with Papias."

Enough, he knows how things should be done; and if a good sum is to be got by it he will hew you out a whole sea-fight in marble in five days." "Then give Papias the commission but the hapless mutilated pavements- what will you do with them?" "Gypsum and paint must mend them," said Pontius, "and where that will not do, we must lay carpets on the floor in the Eastern fashion.