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He thought of how the personality and jealous love of this man to whom he owed so much had stood between him and Patricia and how he felt no shadow of resentment at it. "I think I shall adopt Max when he leaves school," remarked Cæsar languidly, "he'll let me manage him in my own way till he is an octogenarian." "Cæsar, you have no discrimination at all. Once you wanted to adopt Sam, now Max.

The African Isaac, and the young American girl, owed their safety to the same presence of mind, and the same combination of ideas. The movements of the crocodile of the Apure are sudden and rapid when it attacks any object; but it moves with the slowness of a salamander, when not excited by rage or hunger.

Maybe he figured the race track owed him something for taking away his health. I don't know. He wasn't no hand to talk. "Anyhow, he had this one hoss and always the one idea in his head to slip him over at such a long price that he could clean up enough to quit on. Caley was doing his own training and riding.

The latter error, he said, owed its introduction partly to the fact that Protestantism had refused to the senses their legitimate place in divine worship, this excessive spiritualizing having brought about a reaction. Father Hecker often spoke of the future reserved for Catholicity in the United States, saying that it was there that the union of the Church with democracy would first take place.

M. Colbert, who owed everything to the King, entrusted Madame Colbert with the education of the new prince and princess; they were brought up under the eyes of this statesman, who for everything found time and obligingness. The girl, lovely as love itself, took the name of Mademoiselle de Blois, while to her little brother was given the title of Comte de Vermandois.

Reasons for placing the executive central power in one hand. Sieyes' chimerical combinations. Bonaparte's objections. On this second point, the evidence was scarcely less. And clearly, the moment the local powers owed their appointment to the central powers, it is plain that the central executive power, on which they depend, should be unique.

I do not wonder that you look upon all this as the ravings of a man on the verge of senility. If I were in your place, I should undoubtedly do the same. But ungracious as the task has proved, I owed it to myself to rid my mind of its secret burden.

John lent him small sums of money, while Leigh offered him a plate at his table till Solomon was finished, and initiated him into the mysteries of drawing and discounting bills. Haydon already owed his landlord two hundred pounds, but that seemed to him no reason for moving into cheaper rooms.

Left to my own reflections, without a friend or advice, without experience, and in a foreign country, in the service of a foreign nation, surrounded by a crowd of knaves, who, for their own interest, and to avoid the scandal of good example, endeavored to prevail upon me to imitate them; far from yielding to their solicitations, I served France well, to which I owed nothing, and the ambassador still better, as it was right and just I should do to the utmost of my power.

He knew not the resources of vindictive genius or the powers of a malignant imagination. Burke owed the Nabob a turn for the vote which had gained him a baronetcy. The orator seized the opportunity and alarmed the secret conscience of the Indian adventurer by his dark allusions, and his fatal familiarity with the subject.