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Nobody could be more alive to every aspect of natural beauty than she showed herself during the whole of this memorable excursion. But at La Vernia the human interest over-rode the simply aesthetic one. Her day was a most fatiguing one.

We had met before, you know, earlier in the summer, and I had visited at Westport. She liked and understood me, and was sensible enough to tell me so; and I she attracted me curiously. I had always lived a solitary sort of existence. She simply ignored my prejudices and over-rode them. She invaded my life and took it by storm. She was like the sudden capriccioso after the largo in a symphony.

The coils of the rope unfortunately over-rode each other upon this capstan, so that it could not be paid out. In resisting the motion of the tube, the capstan was bodily dragged out of the platform by the action of the palls, and the tube was in imminent danger of being carried away by the stream, or the pontoons crushed upon the rocks.

The natural instinct of the child over-rode the long travail of the race to conceive an abstract Deity, and Esther pictured God as a mammoth cloud. In early years Esther imagined that the "body" that was buried when a person died was the corpse decapitated and she often puzzled herself to think what was done with the isolated head.

But my determination to travel by that train and by no other over-rode all obstacles; If I missed it, I should be forced to wait until the following morning. I leapt past the barrier, completely taking the man by surprise, and went racing up the platform.

"Pressing from protections," as the phrase ran in the service, did not therefore mean that the Admiralty over-rode its own protections at pleasure.

'May I suggest, sir, to Colendorp, who happened to be the captain of his own squadron, 'that it is unusual to be obliged to act so carefully as we have been advised to do in this case? Colendorp's dark face grew darker, but the honour of the Guard over-rode all personal considerations. 'I have been hasty, Unziar, he said in a stifled voice after a slight pause.

No President has surpassed him in the cleanness of his record, and only Washington has equaled him. His tenderness of heart over-rode almost everything. In childhood he would not permit boys to put live coals on the back of a turtle. In youth he stayed out all night with a drunkard to prevent his freezing to death, a fate which his folly had invited.

Hall on matters of domestic discipline, but in every case until late April, when the first signs of penury began, he over-rode her by the easy expedient of an extra payment. Hall did not like him, and whenever he dared he talked of the advisability of getting rid of him; but he showed his dislike chiefly by concealing it ostentatiously, and avoiding his visitor as much as possible.

I shall add that you over-rode that suggestion, arguing we should be happier by ourselves." With a man like George kindness is of no use; you have to be firm. "You do," said Harris, "and I, for one, will close with the offer. We will just take that chateau. You will bring your aunt I will see to that, and we will have a month of it. The children are all fond of you; J. and I will be nowhere.