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"Well, you can easily think that that made me prick up my ears, for the business has not been over-good for some years, and an extra couple of hundred would have been very handy. "'Tell me all about it, said I. "'Well, said he, showing me the advertisement, 'you can see for yourself that the League has a vacancy, and there is the address where you should apply for particulars.

The Master told us a story yesterday of a steward who took his master's money and gave it to the poor, he being frightened lest the poor, whom he hadn't been over-good to in his lifetime, might not let him into heaven when he died. And the Master seemed to think that he did well, for he said: it is well to bank with the poor. Them were his very words.

You know she broke her shaft, once, and once she got caught in the ice." Mrs. March joined him in deriding the superstition of people, and she parted gayly with this over-good young couple. As soon as they were gone, March knew that she would say: "You must change that ticket, my dear. We will go in the Norumbia." "Suppose I can't get as good a room on the Norumbia?" "Then we must stay."

"What were the Christian names of your grand-parents, on your mother's side?" "Let me see my memory isn't over-good: my grandfather Radcliffe was named John Henry." "And your grandmother?" The sailor hesitated, and seemed to change colour; but, perhaps it was merely because he stooped to pick up his handkerchief.

My reputation, in some respects, is not over-good, I know, and I doubt not you may have heard so, and I can not help fearing it has inspired you with some dislike to me." "Monsieur, we lived a retired life here. We know nothing of what passes in Paris.

Under these circumstances a political deal was resorted to, and Virginia was offered by John and Samuel Adams, as the price of an adoption and support of the New England army, the appointment of commander-in-chief, though the offer was not made with over-good grace, and only because "we could carry nothing without conceding it."

"I think it was said that he had red hair," she began, after a long pause; "and was tall, was it? either tall or short; one of the two. And his eyes his eyes were dark eyes, either brown or blue." Lord Hartledon could not avoid a smile. "That's no description at all." "My memory is not over-good, my lord: I read his description in the handbills offering the reward; and that's some time ago now."

Of all the men I ever knew, he was the one I should have been best pleased to have you marry!" "It was not wholly on your account, John. You know there was our father," said Grace. "Yes, yes, Gracie; but he would have preferred to see you well married. He would not have been so selfish, nor I either. It is your self-abnegation, you dear over-good women, that makes us men seem selfish.

Piracy and Privateering they both begin with a P. I thought you had something o' that sort on your mind, because you took it so woundily about being hanged." "I have had a strange life," I answered faintly. "No doubt about that," says the Captain. "So have I, Brother, and not an over-good one: that's why I asked you.

I had never thought that any one could be as glad to hear that he was mad, or at any rate that there was danger of his becoming so, as over-good news; but now I know that such a thing can be.