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Would it not have been far better for her there, taking her chance for rescue with Dr. Frank, Venza and the others? But no! I had, like a fool, never thought of that! Had let her remain here on board at the mercy of these outlaws. And I swore now, that beyond everything, I would protect her. Futile oath! If I could have seen ahead a few hours! But I sensed the catastrophe.

"Your outlaws may understand the ways of the forest, but not those of a city." "Well, your Majesty, they have sacked Coblentz, if that is any recommendation for them." The reply of the Empress seemed irrelevant. "Have you ever seen the hall in which the Emperors are nominated or deposed?" she asked. "No, your Majesty." "Then follow me."

What was more to be feared was the drove of stragglers, outlaws, and tramps who, attracted by the unusual expenditure at Big Shanty, made Morrison's their resting place as long as they had a dollar to pay for a lodging or a glass of whiskey.

As for the outlaws, Arthur bore them no ill-will; indeed he had felt a secret envy in his heart at their free life; but he was not afraid to meet any two men who might come against him. Nathless, the Sheriff's daughter did not choose a very good messenger, as you shall presently see.

"Until these dangerous invaders shall have left the community, or are arrested, I think we should arm the negro men on the plantation and be prepared for possible surprises," were Richard Temple's parting words, as he took leave for Columbus, twenty miles distant. Villula was altogether inland, and hence an easy prey to outlaws. The nearest railway station was at Silver Run, two miles away.

The result of the land laws and the ill-treatment of the Mexican population at the mines was a period of highway robbery by bands of outlaws, each under the leadership of some especially daring man. The story of some of their adventures reminds the hearer of the tales of Robin Hood. Not so mild as Robin's were their lives, however.

Yes, but it was in Dodge City on occasions when he was deputy marshal or town marshal, at a time when Dodge City, now the most peaceful of communities, was the toughest town on the continent, and crowded with man-killing outlaws and road agents; and he produced telegrams from judges of high character testifying to the need of the actions he had taken.

How much thrift and independence! Of course his plumage is firm, his color decided, his wit quick. He understands you at once and tells you so; so does the hawk by his scornful, defiant whir-r-r-r-r. Hardy, happy outlaws, the crows, how I love them!

Theirs are the conditions of outlaws, making war against the only Government having an existence over the territory where war is now being waged.

But in his present company Richard showed to the greatest imaginable advantage. He was gay, good-humoured, and fond of manhood in every rank of life. Beneath a huge oak-tree the silvan repast was hastily prepared for the King of England, surrounded by men outlaws to his government, but who now formed his court and his guard.